
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke pushed 3 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/4b6ca4a35a12...34d70300631e
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke merged pull request #20845: net: Log to net debug in MaybeDiscourageAndDisconnect except for noban and manual peers (master...2101-netLogDisconnect) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/20845
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 4b6ca4a MarcoFalke: Merge #20845: net: Log to net debug in MaybeDiscourageAndDisconnect except...
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master fa55159 MarcoFalke: net: Log to net debug in MaybeDiscourageAndDisconnect except for noban and...
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/5e4a3ca2f483...4b6ca4a35a12
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 5e4a3ca MarcoFalke: Merge bitcoin-core/gui#211: qt: Remove Transactionview Edit Label Action
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 8f96448 Jarol Rodriguez: qt: Remove Transactionview Edit Label Action
< bitcoin-git> [gui] MarcoFalke merged pull request #211: qt: Remove Transactionview Edit Label Action (master...remove-transactionview-editlabel) https://github.com/bitcoin-core/gui/pull/211
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/08eec6907a0f...5e4a3ca2f483
< bitcoin-git> [gui] MarcoFalke merged pull request #206: Display fRelayTxes and bip152_highbandwidth_{to, from} in peer details (master...add-fields-to-peer-details) https://github.com/bitcoin-core/gui/pull/206
< wumpus> i'm afraid as bitcoin gets more popular we're going to have to get used to a certain percentage of spam and nonsense PRs which are out of scopre of the project, let's leave it at that


< michaelfolkson> Regardless if there is no legal uncertainty with the bitcoin.org link we should probably just link to that. Or respond with a drafted statement to closed PRs to calm the anger
< luke-jr> michaelfolkson: indeed, that's strictly abusive of Bitcoin and harms the entire network permanently.
< luke-jr> michaelfolkson: shrug. I don't see any harm in a link to bitcoin.org, but it's also not worth fighting about if others disagree.
< michaelfolkson> But if bitcoin.org is superior from a legal uncertainty perspective maybe we should add that? I'm not entirely sure what is going on behind the scenes with CSW nonsense and I'm certainly no legal expert
< michaelfolkson> luke-jr: Should we just add a link to bitcoin.org then? I suggested a StackExchange link https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21210#discussion_r578425782
< luke-jr> michaelfolkson: doesn't seem to be any basis for legal uncertainty if it's just a link, especially to bitcoin.org where Satoshi himself published it
< michaelfolkson> "Thank you for your pull request to Bitcoin Core. We have received many similar pull requests to add a link to the white paper but due to legal uncertainty and in the interests of not taking up any more of reviewers' time we will be instantly closing any such pull requests."
< sipa> Biodragon: no, try https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com
< Biodragon> is this an appropriate channel to ask a question about bitcoin addresses/protocol?
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] laanwj closed pull request #21256: Add wp link in README (master...whitepaper-link) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21256
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] percy-g2 opened pull request #21256: Add wp link in README (master...whitepaper-link) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21256
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] theStack reopened pull request #21250: build: make HAVE_O_CLOEXEC available outside LevelDB (bugfix) (master...2021-02-build-pass-have_o_cloexec) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21250
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] theStack closed pull request #21250: build: make HAVE_O_CLOEXEC available outside LevelDB (bugfix) (master...2021-02-build-pass-have_o_cloexec) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21250
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake opened pull request #21255: contrib: run test-symbol-check for RISC-V (master...riscv_test_symbol_check) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21255
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke opened pull request #21254: test: Avoid connecting to real network when running tests (master...2102-testNoTelemetry) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21254
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake closed pull request #21253: Add whitepaper link in README.md (master...whitepaper-link) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21253
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] prayank23 opened pull request #21253: Add whitepaper link in README.md (master...whitepaper-link) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21253
< hebasto> Talkless: for all user-visible strings we must use `tr()`; also there is a dedicated channel ##bitcoin-core-gui :)
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake closed pull request #21251: doc: Add whitepaper with images in Docs (master...whitepaper) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21251
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke opened pull request #21252: test: Add missing wait for sync to feature_blockfilterindex_prune (master...2102-testFix) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21252
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] x00x00 opened pull request #21251: doc: Add whitepaper with images in Docs (master...whitepaper) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21251
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] theStack opened pull request #21250: build: make HAVE_O_CLOEXEC available outside LevelDB (bugfix) (master...2021-02-build-pass-have_o_cloexec) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21250
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake merged pull request #21243: ci: Avoid invoking curl on the host (master...2102-ciCurl) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21243
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master fa330d8 MarcoFalke: ci: Avoid invoking curl on the host
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 5bb64ac fanquake: Merge #21243: ci: Avoid invoking curl on the host
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/828bb776d29c...5bb64acd9d3c
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake closed pull request #21249: doc: Add Whitepaper in Docs (master...whitepaper) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21249


< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] prayank23 opened pull request #21249: doc: Add Whitepaper in Docs (master...whitepaper) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21249
< gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/19820 | Transactions propagation design goals · Issue #19820 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
< gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/21224 | [p2p] Halt processing of unrequested transactions by ariard · Pull Request #21224 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] roconnor-blockstream opened pull request #21246: Correction for VerifyTaprootCommitment comments (master...patch-1) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21246
< wumpus> fwiw: src/bitcoin-cli -regtest listdescriptors | grep desc output : https://0bin.net/paste/97jvm8Rd#xEeTLSVcFbRGQqFCk67duPb85ynsnSkk4fkTl6I+ZyZ
< gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/19136 | wallet: add parent_desc to getaddressinfo by achow101 · Pull Request #19136 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
< wumpus> i think what i need is a way to generate a *derived xpub* for a custom path in the wallet, i can do this with external tooling (e.g. darosior's bip32 python module), but afaik not from bitcoin core itself?
< wumpus> PSA: the devwiki has been closed to bitcoin-core members only, if you require access to it please ask here to be added to the "wiki editors" or "frequent contributors" group (both give write access to the wiki)
< wumpus> i'm sure there are some public block chain APIs you can use but that's very much off topic here #bitcoin for general questions
< wumpus> michaelfolkson: though you're right that the dev wiki is noet the place for 'finalized' documentation, we have other places for that: the 'doc' folder in the repository for things directly related to e.g. RPC functionality, and https://github.com/bitcoin-core/docs for less tightly coupled docs
< wumpus> michaelfolkson: also thanks for reminding me to set it to editable to bitcoin-core members only
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fyquah opened pull request #21245: rpc: Add level 3 verbosity to getblock RPC call. (master...verbosity-level-3-getblock) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21245
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] kiminuo opened pull request #21244: GetDataDir: Accept ArgsManager as a parameter. (master...feature/2021-02-get-data-dir-args) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21244
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] jnewbery closed pull request #20411: test: Fix Version Message Deserialization Discrepancy (master...2020-11-test-framework-version-msg-fix) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/20411
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke opened pull request #21243: ci: Avoid invoking curl on the host (master...2102-ciCurl) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21243
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke merged pull request #20750: [Bundle 2/n] Prune g_chainman usage in mempool-related validation functions (master...2020-09-reduce-validation-mempool-ccsactiveglobal-usage) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/20750
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 252b489 Carl Dong: validation: Pass in coins tip to CheckInputsFromMempoolAndCache
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 73a6d2b Carl Dong: validation: Pass in chainstate to IsCurrentForFeeEstimation
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master d1f932b Carl Dong: validation: Pass in coins cache to ::LimitMempoolSize
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke pushed 21 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/c46fe4d1073c...828bb776d29c
< MarcoFalke> PSA. I am tracking non-exploitable (and exploitable) issues on https://github.com/bitcoin-core/bitcoin-devwiki/wiki/Fuzz-Trophies-(vulnerabilities) both for transparency and for our own benefit to understand the usefulness of fuzzing. This will hopefully help us to deploy new fuzzing resources more educated and with more impact.
< sipa> this channel is about development of bitcoin core
< Abrax> its bitcoin.com
< copumpkin> given who owns bitcoin.com, I'm not sure folks in here are terribly interested
< Abrax> irc.bitcoin.com
< Abrax> bitcoin has an official irc server now
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] dongcarl opened pull request #21239: guix: Add codesigning support for osx+win (master...2021-01-guix-win-sign) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21239


< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] RonSherfey opened pull request #21237: edit 1 (master...master) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21237
< darosior> achow101: could you give me a quick conceptual feedback on https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/20867 when you have a minute ? (pinging you since the bot did on the PR)
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] laanwj merged pull request #21088: guix: Jump forwards in time-machine and adapt (master...2021-02-bump-time-machine) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21088
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master c46fe4d Wladimir J. van der Laan: Merge #21088: guix: Jump forwards in time-machine and adapt
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master d02076b Carl Dong: guix: Jump forwards in time-machine and adapt
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master f8ca8c5 Carl Dong: guix: Supply --keep-failed for debugging
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] laanwj pushed 3 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/f1c339d452f8...c46fe4d1073c
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] jnewbery opened pull request #21236: Net processing: Extract `addr` send functionality into MaybeSendAddr() (master...2021-02-maybe-send-addr) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21236
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke merged pull request #21211: test: Move P2WSH_OP_TRUE to shared test library (master...2102-testMoveScript) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21211
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master f1c339d MarcoFalke: Merge #21211: test: Move P2WSH_OP_TRUE to shared test library
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 22220ef MarcoFalke: test: Move P2WSH_OP_TRUE to shared test library
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/09eb46c9430b...f1c339d452f8
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke merged pull request #21187: Net processing: Only call PushAddress() from net_processing (master...2021-02-getpeerlocaladdr) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21187
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 09eb46c MarcoFalke: Merge #21187: Net processing: Only call PushAddress() from net_processing
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 3e68efa John Newbery: [net] Move checks from GetLocalAddrForPeer to caller
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master d21d2b2 John Newbery: [net] Change AdvertiseLocal to GetLocalAddrForPeer
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke pushed 3 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/6a680a6236e0...09eb46c9430b
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke merged pull request #21226: build: Fix fuzz binary compilation under windows (master...compile-fuzz-binary-windows) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21226
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 6a680a6 MarcoFalke: Merge #21226: build: Fix fuzz binary compilation under windows
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 56ace90 Dan Benjamin: Fix fuzz binary compilation under windows
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/f1c2f619a687...6a680a6236e0
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke merged pull request #21221: [tools] Allow argument/parameter bin packing in clang-format (master...2021-02-bin-pack-args) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21221
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master f1c2f61 MarcoFalke: Merge #21221: [tools] Allow argument/parameter bin packing in clang-format...
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 876ac3f John Newbery: [tools] Allow argument/parameter bin packing in clang-format
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/f093310b2e18...f1c2f619a687
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke opened pull request #21235: p2p: Clarify disconnect log message in ProcessGetBlockData, remove send bool (master...2102-logDisconnect) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21235
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake merged pull request #21228: test: Avoid comparision of integers with different signs (master...2021/02/minertest_U_fix) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21228
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master f093310 fanquake: Merge #21228: test: Avoid comparision of integers with different signs
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master bedb8d8 Jonas Schnelli: Avoid comparision of integers with different signs
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/56fe4bb3c52e...f093310b2e18
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake closed pull request #20976: doc: fix broken link to whitepaper in README (master...fix-wp-link) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/20976
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] laanwj merged pull request #21210: doc: Rework internal and external links (master...2102-docLinks) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21210
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 56fe4bb Wladimir J. van der Laan: Merge #21210: doc: Rework internal and external links
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 77772a1 MarcoFalke: doc: Rework internal and external links
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] laanwj pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/04e01606e31b...56fe4bb3c52e
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake merged pull request #21205: build: actually fail when Boost is missing (master...actually_fail_when_boost_missing) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21205
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 04e0160 fanquake: Merge #21205: build: actually fail when Boost is missing
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master c5da274 fanquake: build: actually stop configure if Boost isn't available
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master cad8b52 fanquake: build: explicitly install libboost-dev package
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake pushed 3 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/9f3ffa29389a...04e01606e31b
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake closed pull request #21233: Add msbuild to path (master...master) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21233
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] RonSherfey opened pull request #21233: Add msbuild to path (master...master) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21233
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] vasild closed pull request #21223: style: make clang-format break long lines (master...clang-format-ColumnLimit) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21223
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] jonasschnelli merged pull request #21230: test: Fix NODE_NETWORK_LIMITED_MIN_BLOCKS disconnection (master...2102-testFix) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21230
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master fa24247 MarcoFalke: test: Fix NODE_NETWORK_LIMITED_MIN_BLOCKS disconnection
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master fab6995 MarcoFalke: test: Make test actually test something
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master fae8f35 MarcoFalke: test: pep8 touched test
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] jonasschnelli pushed 4 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/3a2d5bfeb38e...9f3ffa29389a
< bitcoin-git> [gui] jarolrod opened pull request #214: qt: Disable requests context menu actions when appropriate (master...disable-contextactions-novalue) https://github.com/bitcoin-core/gui/pull/214
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] ali-ahari-hashemi opened pull request #21232: index: display specific error message when fatal index error occurs (master...2021/specific_indexerror_message) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21232
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fyquah opened pull request #21231: Add /opt/homebrew to path to look for boost libraries (master...modify-boost-path-for-m1-macs) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21231
< bitcoin-git> [gui] jarolrod opened pull request #213: qt: Add Copy Address Action to Payment Requests (master...add-copyaddress-requestedpayments) https://github.com/bitcoin-core/gui/pull/213
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] meshcollider merged pull request #21201: rpc: Disallow sendtoaddress and sendmany when private keys disabled (master...fix-sendmoney) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21201
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 3a2d5bf Samuel Dobson: Merge #21201: rpc: Disallow sendtoaddress and sendmany when private keys d...
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 6bfbc97 Jon Atack: test: disallow sendtoaddress/sendmany when private keys disabled
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 0997019 Andrew Chow: Disallow sendtoaddress and sendmany when private keys disabled
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] meshcollider pushed 3 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/b805dbb0b9c9...3a2d5bfeb38e


< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke opened pull request #21230: test: Fix NODE_NETWORK_LIMITED_MIN_BLOCKS disconnection (master...2102-testFix) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21230
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] jonasschnelli opened pull request #21228: Avoid comparision of integers with different signs (master...2021/02/minertest_U_fix) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21228
< core-meetingbot> topic: Bitcoin Core development discussion and commit log | Feel free to watch, but please take commentary and usage questions to #bitcoin | Channel logs: http://www.erisian.com.au/bitcoin-core-dev/, http://gnusha.org/bitcoin-core-dev/ | Meeting topics http://gnusha.org/bitcoin-core-dev/proposedmeetingtopics.txt / http://gnusha.org/bitcoin-core-dev/proposedwalletmeetingtopics.txt
< michaelfolkson> I'd like to make clear that multiple Bitcoin Core contributors effectively NACKed lot=true in the meeting and as far as I could make out only one Bitcoin Core contributor effectively NACKed lot=false
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake closed pull request #21225: doc: Remove dead whitepaper link from README (master...doc_remove_whitepaper_link) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21225
< luke-jr> sdaftuar: to implement a protocol distinct from what the Bitcoin community defines for Bitcoin would constitute ceasing to be a Bitcoin implementation
< gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/20556 | rpc: Properly document return values (submitblock, gettxout, getblocktemplate, scantxoutset) by MarcoFalke · Pull Request #20556 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
< gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/16546 | External signer support - Wallet Box edition by Sjors · Pull Request #16546 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
< gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/20833 | rpc/validation: enable packages through testmempoolaccept by glozow · Pull Request #20833 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
< gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/21146 | validation/coins: limit MemPoolAccept access to coins cache + make it responsible for uncaching by glozow · Pull Request #21146 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
< gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/16546 | External signer support - Wallet Box edition by Sjors · Pull Request #16546 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
< wumpus> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/projects/8 has 6 blockers, no bugfixes, 2 chasing concept ACK
< wumpus> #bitcoin-core-dev Meeting: achow101 aj amiti ariard bluematt cfields Chris_Stewart_5 digi_james dongcarl elichai2 emilengler fanquake fjahr gleb glozow gmaxwell gwillen hebasto instagibbs jamesob jb55 jeremyrubin jl2012 jnewbery jonasschnelli jonatack jtimon kallewoof kanzure kvaciral lightlike luke-jr maaku marcofalke meshcollider michagogo moneyball morcos nehan NicolasDorier paveljanik
< core-meetingbot> Meeting started Thu Feb 18 19:00:29 2021 UTC. The chair is wumpus. Information about MeetBot at https://bitcoin.jonasschnelli.ch/ircmeetings.
< gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/16546 | External signer support - Wallet Box edition by Sjors · Pull Request #16546 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] danben opened pull request #21226: build: Fix fuzz binary compilation under windows (master...compile-fuzz-binary-windows) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21226
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] wodry closed pull request #21102: Log: Add debug log category tag (master...log-debug-category) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21102
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] antanst opened pull request #21225: doc: Remove dead whitepaper link from README (master...doc_remove_whitepaper_link) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21225
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] jonatack closed pull request #21181: p2p: if no anchors.dat file, log a message instead of an error (master...log-message-instead-of-error-if-missing-anchors) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21181
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] ariard opened pull request #21224: [p2p] Halt processing of unrequested transactions (master...2021-02-halt-processing-unrequested) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21224
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] laanwj merged pull request #19809: log: Prefix log messages with function name and source code location if -logsourcelocations is set (master...logfunctionnames) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/19809
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master b805dbb Wladimir J. van der Laan: Merge #19809: log: Prefix log messages with function name and source code ...
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master b4511e2 practicalswift: log: Prefix log messages with function name if -logsourcelocations is set
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] laanwj pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/860f9168034f...b805dbb0b9c9
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] vasild opened pull request #21223: style: make clang-format break long lines (master...clang-format-ColumnLimit) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21223
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke opened pull request #21222: log: Clarify log message when file does not exist (master...2102-logFile) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21222
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] laanwj merged pull request #20524: test: Move MIN_VERSION_SUPPORTED to p2p.py (master...2020-11-subversion-string) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/20524
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 9b4054c John Newbery: [test] Move MY_SUBVERSION to p2p.py
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 7e158a6 John Newbery: [test] Move MY_VERSION to p2p.py
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 6523111 John Newbery: [test] Move MIN_VERSION_SUPPORTED to p2p.py
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] laanwj pushed 7 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/db656db2ed5a...860f9168034f
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] jnewbery opened pull request #21221: [tools] Allow argument/parameter bin packing in clang-format (master...2021-02-bin-pack-args) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21221
< gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/16546 | External signer support - Wallet Box edition by Sjors · Pull Request #16546 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
< jonasschnelli> meshcollider: just add "githubmerge.pushmirrors=git@github.com:bitcoin-core/gui.git" to your git config (the merge script will pick this up)
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] meshcollider merged pull request #19136: wallet: add parent_desc to getaddressinfo (master...export-descriptor) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/19136
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master e4ac869 Andrew Chow: rpc: Add parent descriptor to getaddressinfo output
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master bbe4a36 Andrew Chow: wallet: Add GetDescriptorString to DescriptorScriptPubKeyMan
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 9be1437 Andrew Chow: descriptors: Add ToNormalizedString and tests
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] meshcollider pushed 5 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/9017d55e7c32...db656db2ed5a
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] jonasschnelli merged pull request #15946: Allow maintaining the blockfilterindex when using prune (master...2019/05/prune_blockfilter) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/15946
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 5e11226 Jonas Schnelli: Avoid pruning below the blockfilterindex sync height
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 6abe9f5 Jonas Schnelli: Allow blockfilter in conjunction with prune
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 00d57ff Jonas Schnelli: Avoid accessing nullpointer in BaseIndex::GetSummary()
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] jonasschnelli pushed 7 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/cd66d8b1d8b5...9017d55e7c32
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke merged pull request #20429: refactor: replace (sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0])) with C++17 std::size (master...20201119-refactor-replace-sizeof-by-std_size) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/20429
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master e829c9a Sebastian Falbesoner: refactor: replace sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]) by std::size (C++17)
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 365539c Sebastian Falbesoner: refactor: init vectors via std::{begin,end} to avoid pointer arithmetic
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke pushed 4 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/372dd8da2475...cd66d8b1d8b5
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 63d4ee1 Sebastian Falbesoner: refactor: iterate arrays via C++11 range-based for loops if idx is not nee...
< bitcoin-git> [gui] jarolrod opened pull request #211: qt: Remove Transactionview Edit Label Action (master...remove-transactionview-editlabel) https://github.com/bitcoin-core/gui/pull/211


< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake closed pull request #21219: Update README.md (master...patch-1) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21219
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] andrewkojo opened pull request #21219: Update README.md (master...patch-1) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21219
< queip> can we please have writable HD seeds in any form in Bitcoin Core, which makes it easier to recommend it to newbies that need easy backups on paper too? For example fixed list of 2048 english words, generate them from seed bytes (not the other way around)
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] laanwj merged pull request #21110: util: remove Boost posix_time usage from GetTime* (master...no_boost_gettime) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21110
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 9266f74 MarcoFalke: util: Use std::chrono for time getters
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 372dd8d Wladimir J. van der Laan: Merge #21110: util: remove Boost posix_time usage from GetTime*
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 3c2e16b Cory Fields: time: add runtime sanity check
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] laanwj pushed 3 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/04336086d3cb...372dd8da2475
< gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/20866 | Restrict RPCs that make server-side files · Issue #20866 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
< Kiminuo> I found a PR that does, in essence, a similar thing: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21055/
< Kiminuo> Hi all, I have seen this issue https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/21005 and I've come up with this https://github.com/kiminuo/bitcoin/commit/3323455e53751b41adf2629ba192d4d786894a71. What do you think about this approach?
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] laanwj merged pull request #21182: build: remove mostly pointless BOOST_PROCESS macro (master...boost_process_nonsense) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21182
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 7bf04e3 fanquake: build: remove mostly pointless BOOST_PROCESS macro
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 0433608 Wladimir J. van der Laan: Merge #21182: build: remove mostly pointless BOOST_PROCESS macro
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] laanwj pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/4dc1ff809a5d...04336086d3cb
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake closed pull request #21214: You put back the name of Satoshi Nakamoto to the copyright notice of I fucking kill all of you! (master...patch-1) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21214
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] ultramassiveblackhole opened pull request #21214: You put back the name of Satoshi Nakamoto to the copyright notice of I fucking kill all of you! (master...patch-1) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21214
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] meshcollider closed pull request #21213: Legal requirement (master...patch-1) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21213
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] ultramassiveblackhole opened pull request #21213: Legal requirement (master...patch-1) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21213
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake closed pull request #18605: build: Link time garbage collection (master...link_time_garbage_collection) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/18605
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] laanwj merged pull request #21192: cli: Treat high detail levels as maximum in -netinfo (master...2021-02-netinfo-verbosity) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21192
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 882ce25 Wladimir J. van der Laan: cli: Treat high detail levels as the maximum in -netinfo
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 4dc1ff8 Wladimir J. van der Laan: Merge #21192: cli: Treat high detail levels as maximum in -netinfo
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] laanwj pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/569b5ba1dc56...4dc1ff809a5d
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke opened pull request #21211: test: Move P2WSH_OP_TRUE to shared test library (master...2102-testMoveScript) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21211
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] martinus closed pull request #21176: Improve speed of Base58 Encoding (master...2021-02-optimize-base58) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21176
< gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/21185 | fuzz: Remove expensive and redundant muhash from crypto fuzz target by MarcoFalke · Pull Request #21185 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke merged pull request #21121: [test] Small unit test improvements, including helper to make mempool transaction (master...2021-01-unit-test-valid-tx) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21121
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master df6a5fc Amiti Uttarwar: [util] Change GetMockTime to return chrono type instead of int
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master a2d908e Amiti Uttarwar: [test] Throw error instead of segfaulting in failure scenario
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 9a3bbe8 Amiti Uttarwar: [test] Introduce a unit test helper to create a valid mempool transaction.
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke pushed 6 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/8639c446d88b...569b5ba1dc56
< wumpus> i eventurally figured it out by looking carefully at the initial messages after i2pd's start instead of the spam afterward, the exact message is here: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/20685#issuecomment-780412089 ... it's pretty clear in retrospect😳 (but might be something to document in the gotchas)
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke merged pull request #21188: scripted-diff: Remove redundant lock annotations in net processing (master...2102-netProcNoShadow) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21188
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master fafddfa MarcoFalke: scripted-diff: Remove shadowing lock annotations
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 8639c44 MarcoFalke: Merge #21188: scripted-diff: Remove redundant lock annotations in net proc...
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/7f831346cb73...8639c446d88b
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke merged pull request #20380: doc: Add instructions on how to fuzz the P2P layer using Honggfuzz NetDriver (master...honggfuzz-p2p-fuzzing) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/20380
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 7f83134 MarcoFalke: Merge #20380: doc: Add instructions on how to fuzz the P2P layer using Hon...
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master fd0be92 practicalswift: doc: Add instructions on how to fuzz the P2P layer using Honggfuzz NetDriv...
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/69f7f50aa5b7...7f831346cb73
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke merged pull request #20993: test: store subversion (user agent) as string in msg_version (master...2021-01-test-store_user_agent_as_string) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/20993
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 69f7f50 MarcoFalke: Merge #20993: test: store subversion (user agent) as string in msg_version...
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master de85af5 Sebastian Falbesoner: test: store subversion (user agent) as string in msg_version
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/36be9b821ae0...69f7f50aa5b7
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke opened pull request #21210: doc: Rework internal and external links (master...2102-docLinks) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21210
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake opened pull request #21209: build: use newer source for libnatpmp (master...newer_libnatpmp) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21209
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] ryanofsky opened pull request #21207: MOVEONLY: CWallet transaction code out of wallet.cpp/.h (master...pr/txmove) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21207
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] ryanofsky opened pull request #21206: refactor: Make CWalletTx sync state type-safe (master...pr/txstate) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21206
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake merged pull request #21087: guix: Passthrough BASE_CACHE into container (master...2020-12-guix-base-cache) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21087
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 36be9b8 fanquake: Merge #21087: guix: Passthrough BASE_CACHE into container
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 901f543 Carl Dong: guix: Passthrough BASE_CACHE into container
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/7c8e605bf420...36be9b821ae0
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake opened pull request #21205: build: actually fail when Boost is missing (master...actually_fail_when_boost_missing) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21205
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake merged pull request #21159: test: fix sign comparison warning in socket tests (master...sign_compare_sock_tests) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21159
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 9cc8e30 fanquake: test: fix sign comparison warning in socket tests
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 7c8e605 fanquake: Merge #21159: test: fix sign comparison warning in socket tests
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/92fee79dab38...7c8e605bf420


< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] amitiuttarwar opened pull request #21202: [validation] Two small clang lock annotation improvements (master...2021-02-locks) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21202
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] achow101 opened pull request #21201: rpc: Disallow sendtoaddress and sendmany when private keys disabled (master...fix-sendmoney) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21201
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master ad949ba James O'Beirne: txdb: don't reset during in-memory cache resize
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] laanwj merged pull request #19806: validation: UTXO snapshot activation (master...2020-08-au.activate) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/19806
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master f6e2da5 James O'Beirne: simplify ChainstateManager::SnapshotBlockhash() return semantics
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 7a6c46b James O'Beirne: chainparams: add allowed assumeutxo values
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] laanwj pushed 9 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/3c9d9d21e195...92fee79dab38
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke merged pull request #21008: test: fix zmq test flakiness, improve speed (master...2021-test-zmq-fix_flakiness) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21008
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 8666033 Sebastian Falbesoner: zmq test: accept arbitrary sequence start number in ZMQSubscriber
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 5c65463 Sebastian Falbesoner: zmq test: fix flakiness by using more robust sync method
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 6014d6e Sebastian Falbesoner: zmq test: dedup message reception handling in ZMQSubscriber
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke pushed 5 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/9bbf08bf9848...3c9d9d21e195
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke opened pull request #21200: test: Speed up rpc_blockchain.py by removing miniwallet.generate() (master...2102-testSpeedUp) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21200
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] jnewbery opened pull request #21198: [net] Address outstanding review comments from PR20721 (master...2021-02-20721-followups) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21198
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke closed pull request #21196: Create codeql-analysis.yml (master...I-think-those-bitcoin-guys-hacked-mr) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21196
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] SinEstresOrrantia opened pull request #21196: Create codeql-analysis.yml (master...I-think-those-bitcoin-guys-hacked-mr) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21196
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke closed pull request #21190: net: Avoid discouraging the onion proxy when one inbound onion misbehaves (master...2102-netOnionInboundDiscourage) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21190
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake merged pull request #20721: Net: Move ping data to net_processing (master...2020-12-ping-in-peer) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/20721
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 0b43b81 John Newbery: [net processing] Move send ping message logic into function
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 1a07600 John Newbery: [net] Add RunInactivityChecks()
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master f8b3058 John Newbery: [net processing] Add Peer& arg to MaybeDiscourageAndDisconnect()
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake pushed 7 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/b55dc3ad84ab...9bbf08bf9848
< prayank> I am unable to understand why `setlabel` for a change address makes it not a change address according to this line https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/b55dc3ad84abec4f58e54a8581bdf8556c74b1e3/src/wallet/wallet.h#L203
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke merged pull request #21185: fuzz: Remove expensive and redundant muhash from crypto fuzz target (master...2102-speedupFuzz) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21185
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master b55dc3a MarcoFalke: Merge #21185: fuzz: Remove expensive and redundant muhash from crypto fuzz...
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master ffff84a MarcoFalke: fuzz: Remove expensive and redundant muhash from crypto fuzz target
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/489030f2a8f8...b55dc3ad84ab


< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] laanwj opened pull request #21192: cli: Treat high detail levels as maximum in -netinfo (master...2021-02-netinfo-verbosity) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21192
< gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/21161 | Fee estimation: extend bucket ranges consistently by ajtowns · Pull Request #21161 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke opened pull request #21190: net: Avoid discouraging the onion proxy when one inbound onion misbehaves (master...2102-netOnionInboundDiscourage) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21190
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] jonatack reopened pull request #21181: p2p: if no anchors.dat file, log a message instead of an error (master...log-message-instead-of-error-if-missing-anchors) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21181
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 0dbde70 Jon Atack: rpc: use GetNetworkNames() in getnetworkinfo and getpeerinfo helps
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke merged pull request #20965: net, rpc: return NET_UNROUTABLE as not_publicly_routable, automate helps (master...update-network-info) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/20965
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master b45eae4 Jon Atack: net: update NET_UNROUTABLE to not_publicly_routable in GetNetworkName()
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 1c3af37 Jon Atack: net: create GetNetworkNames()
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke pushed 5 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/cb073bed0056...489030f2a8f8
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke merged pull request #21167: net: make CNode::m_inbound_onion public, initialize explicitly (master...m_inbound_onion-make-public-and-explicit) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21167
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master cb073be MarcoFalke: Merge #21167: net: make CNode::m_inbound_onion public, initialize explicit...
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 2ee4a7a Jon Atack: net: remove CNode::m_inbound_onion defaults for explicitness
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 24bda56 Jon Atack: net: make CNode::m_inbound_onion public, drop getter, update tests
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke pushed 3 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/d19639d2b6e7...cb073bed0056
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke merged pull request #21096: Re-add dead code detection (master...resurrect-vulture) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21096
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master d19639d MarcoFalke: Merge #21096: Re-add dead code detection
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 3f8776a flack: Re-add dead code detection
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/8d6994f93d32...d19639d2b6e7
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke opened pull request #21188: scripted-diff: Remove shadowing lock annotations in net processing (master...2102-netProcNoShadow) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21188
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] jonatack closed pull request #21181: p2p: if no anchors.dat file, log a message instead of an error (master...log-message-instead-of-error-if-missing-anchors) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21181
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] jnewbery opened pull request #21187: [net processing] Add Peer& arg to MaybeDiscourageAndDisconnect() (master...2021-02-getpeerlocaladdr) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21187
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] jnewbery opened pull request #21186: Net/Net Processing: Move addr data into net_processing (master...2020-02-addr-in-peer) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21186
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] jnewbery closed pull request #20925: RFC: Move Peer and PeerManagerImpl declarations to separate header (master...2021-01-peermanimplh) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/20925
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke opened pull request #21185: fuzz: Remove expensive and redundant from cryto fuzz target (master...2102-speedupFuzz) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21185
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke merged pull request #21100: test: remove unused function xor_bytes (master...2021-test-remove_unused_xor_bytes) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21100
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master f64adc1 Sebastian Falbesoner: test: remove unused function xor_bytes
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 8d6994f MarcoFalke: Merge #21100: test: remove unused function xor_bytes
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/45ea103f8f58...8d6994f93d32
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke merged pull request #20942: [refactor] Move some net_processing globals into PeerManagerImpl (master...202101-netproc-anti-globalisation-pt1) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/20942
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 052d9bc Anthony Towns: net_processing: simplify AlreadyHaveTx args
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master eeac506 Anthony Towns: net_processing: move AlreadyHaveTx into PeerManageImpl
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 9781c08 Anthony Towns: net_processing: move some globals into PeerManagerImpl
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke pushed 10 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/51397c0ff70b...45ea103f8f58
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] laanwj merged pull request #20629: depends: Improve id string robustness (master...2020-12-improve-depends-id-string) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/20629
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 5200929 Carl Dong: depends: Include GUIX_ENVIRONMENT in id string
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 4c7d418 Carl Dong: depends: Improve id string robustness
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master b3bdff4 Carl Dong: build: Proper quoting for var printing targets
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] laanwj pushed 4 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/df8892dc9f05...51397c0ff70b
< gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/20942 | [refactor] Move some net_processing globals into PeerManagerImpl by ajtowns · Pull Request #20942 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake opened pull request #21182: build: remove mostly pointless BOOST_PROCESS macro (master...boost_process_nonsense) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21182