< GitHub199>
[bitcoin] laanwj opened pull request #7995: main: Make version bits GUI warning clearer to translators (master...2016_05_minor_message_change) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/7995
< GitHub73>
[bitcoin] kazcw closed pull request #7991: Save 7% total memory usage by using pointers as keys in mapNextTx (master...memusage) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/7991
< gmaxwell>
(being an org member lets you assign tickets to them-- really bitcoin core should probably make a lot more people org members)
< james341>
now I am in a very difficult situation and I do not have enough money even for food . who do not mind , please give me a couple of dollars . here is my Bitcoin address :"1HZAGzo7DJ4cqMuHuhjPZY1hwHhZYU52Tu" . I will be very grateful to anyone who can help me -- do not consider this topic for spam, I need help
< GitHub4>
[bitcoin] kazcw opened pull request #7991: Save 7% total memory usage by using pointers as keys in mapNextTx (master...memusage) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/7991
< GitHub27>
[bitcoin] achow101 opened pull request #7984: Optional parameter for rescans to start at a specified height (master...rescan-fromheight) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/7984
< GitHub107>
bitcoin/master 0ad1041 MarcoFalke: Merge #7807: Fixed miner test values, gave constants for less error-prone values....
< GitHub37>
[bitcoin] MarcoFalke closed pull request #7807: Fixed miner test values, gave constants for less error-prone values. (master...mintest) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/7807
< GitHub163>
[bitcoin] gmaxwell opened pull request #7974: More comments on the design of AttemptToEvictConnection. (master...attempt_to_evict_comment) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/7974
< GitHub192>
[bitcoin] mruddy closed pull request #7748: test and regtest mempool: not require standard, non-mandatory, input script verification flags (master...nonstandard-sighash) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/7748
< jonasschnelli>
Yes. There is even no clear logo that Bitcoin Core uses/represents.
< jonasschnelli>
Somehow that made me think that Bitcoin Core has no clear logo/visual identity. Its not define what to use when, the font, the colors. Not sure if anyone from us cares about that though.
< jonasschnelli>
topic: another boring one, not sure if this is the right place: Someone contacted me that we should have a repository for Bitcoin Core logos and communication material.
< jonasschnelli>
instagibbs: I was also thinking about that. But does the normal bitcoin-qt user really knows what the mempool is?
< GitHub114>
[bitcoin] laanwj opened pull request #7966: http: Do a pending c++11 simplification handling work items (master...2016_04_httpserver_c++11) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/7966
< GitHub134>
[bitcoin] laanwj closed pull request #7939: qt: Make it possible to show details for multiple transactions (master...2016_04_qt_multiple_transaction_details) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/7939
< GitHub185>
bitcoin/master 574ddc6 Wladimir J. van der Laan: Merge #7939: qt: Make it possible to show details for multiple transactions...
< GitHub185>
bitcoin/master f135e3c Wladimir J. van der Laan: qt: Add transaction hash to details window title
< GitHub185>
bitcoin/master 17a6a21 Wladimir J. van der Laan: qt: Make it possible to show details for multiple transactions...
< JackH>
what I want to do is to ./bitcoin-cli sendfrom but also include a fee. And I cant find any documentation on how to include both "sendfrom" and " settxfee ". The wiki doesnt explain it, and I am confused if I can type both commands on the same line?
< JackH>
I know this is not the place for it, but could one of you help me out for a bitcoin-cli command I am struggling about? :)
< achow101>
would it be possible, for after segwit deployment, to have a command line option to have Bitcoin Core write blocks to the disk in the pre-fork block forkmat?
< GitHub11>
[bitcoin] jonasschnelli opened pull request #7957: [RPC][Bitcoin-TX] Add support for sequence number (master...2016/04/rbf_base) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/7957
< GitHub56>
[bitcoin] laanwj opened pull request #7956: test: Add more thorough test for dbwrapper iterators (master...2016_04_dbwrapper_iterator_tess) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/7956
< GitHub178>
[bitcoin] randy-waterhouse opened pull request #7944: Re-instate TARGET_OS=linux in configure.ac. Removed by 351abf9e035. (master...master) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/7944
< cfields>
gmaxwell: we could make sure the bitcoin configs are covered in the downstream matrix, but yea, I suppose it's best to keep them running in case we get out of sync
< cfields>
sipa: in the bitcoin repo. They're pretty redundant, I should think
< gmaxwell>
kanzure: it's intentional incompetence in bitcoinj... it used to be worse, google up the bitcoin-dev logs for this lovely conversation
< Guest32930>
kanzure: bitcoin core at most pings once per minute, i think
< GitHub173>
[bitcoin] Christewart opened pull request #7941: Fixing comment in script_test.json test case (master...fix_script_test_comment) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/7941
< GitHub25>
[bitcoin] laanwj opened pull request #7939: qt: Make it possible to show details for multiple transactions (master...2016_04_qt_multiple_transaction_details) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/7939
< phantomcircuit>
NotAnNSAgent, you've been unbanned from #bitcoin please move your discussion there
< NotAnNSAgent>
Just one more note, since sipa isn't in ##bitcoin: yes, I learned what "accounts" actually are in Bitcoin, but I also learned that the labels stuff is not stable/finished either, and that I can use "accounts" as a form of label until things stabilize, but I cannot use them to segregate money in the way I first thought was possible.
< GitHub66>
[bitcoin] laanwj closed pull request #7688: List solvability in listunspent output and improve help (master...helpspendsolv) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/7688
< GitHub91>
bitcoin/master 46880ed Wladimir J. van der Laan: Merge #7688: List solvability in listunspent output and improve help...
< GitHub91>
bitcoin/master c3932b3 Pieter Wuille: List solvability in listunspent output and improve help
< wumpus>
bitcoin core is not something you should upgrade without paying attention, especially if you use it in production and there's actual money involved
< NotAnNSAgent>
There is very little interest in making it possible to have any idea who owns a given address in a "Bitcoin bank" (wallet)?
< wumpus>
this is the label API that will replace it: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/7729 ... note that this is mostly just a subset of the account functionality, the only thing that will disappear is the account balance
< NotAnNSAgent>
That is, any label I need for my own reference to know which "account" (not the deprecated Bitcoin concept of "accounts") it belongs to.
< NotAnNSAgent>
wumpus: I manage to not get the bitcoin-cli binary because I only installed bitcoin-daemon because why would I want the -cli thing?
< da2ce7_mobile>
Ok, I have just the blkXXX files, and a wallet.dat file. Will load bitcoin.
< da2ce7_mobile>
I'm using Bitcoin 0.12.1
< da2ce7_mobile>
hello, I wish to copy the blocks from one PC to another, what is the minimum I need to copy? It If I just copy the blk0xxx files it overwrites the files. If I include the rev00xxx files bitcoin throws an assertion. I suppose it has something to do with the chainstate obfuscation.
< wumpus>
how do you manage to not get the bitcoin-cli binary?
< NotAnNSAgent>
(I don't have bitcoin-cli binary)
< wumpus>
NotAnNSAgent: the best documentation for the API is in bitcoind itself, using bitcoin-cli help
< instagibbs>
NotAnNSAgent, bitcoin-cli help ?
< NotAnNSAgent>
And has "not been reviewed by Bitcoin developers", which makes no sense to me.
< NotAnNSAgent>
wumpus: I'm talking about the API to talk to bitcoind. Which seems to be explained (messily) at https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#bitcoin-core-apis , but that documentation is full of dangerously outdated information.
< NotAnNSAgent>
This is obviously going to offend you, but I have to ask... Is the not only poor, but grossly *misleading* documentation deliberately so? I mean, maybe you don't want Bitcoin to be easy to implement to ensure job security or something? I've seriously begun asking myself if that could be the case. Again, though, I understand that this is both very difficult stuff, and you can't change things directly as individuals without first talking
< GitHub121>
bitcoin/master b69836d Wladimir J. van der Laan: dbwrapper: Pass parent CDBWrapper into CDBBatch and CDBIterator...
< GitHub160>
[bitcoin] laanwj closed pull request #7927: Minor changes to dbwrapper to simplify support for other databases (master...2016_04_dbwrapper_modernization) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/7927
< GitHub121>
bitcoin/master 878bf48 Wladimir J. van der Laan: dbwrapper: Remove CDBWrapper::GetObfuscateKeyHex...
< GitHub121>
bitcoin/master 74f7b12 Wladimir J. van der Laan: dbwrapper: Remove throw keywords in function signatures...
< NotAnNSAgent>
You make about as much sense as the Bitcoin API.
< NotAnNSAgent>
It feels as if I'm desperately trying to help get some enthusiasm going for Bitcoin as a project, but everyone seems to have sort of given up mentally.
< belcher>
the gui client is generally called bitcoin-qt, bitcoin core is the project that includes both of those
< NotAnNSAgent>
Also, Bitcoin Core is bitcoind, no?
< NotAnNSAgent>
phantomcircuit: To be able to support Bitcoin donations to one of my services, and to deal with another Bitcoin account for my commercial site.
< NotAnNSAgent>
Why is it so hard for Bitcoin to simply support multiple wallets? Why do I have to run entire separate blockchains and instances of the daemon for this?
< phantomcircuit>
NotAnNSAgent, in bitcoin terms a "wallet" is just a collection of private keys and the transactions related to those keys in the blockchain
< NotAnNSAgent>
I have to ignore the accounts stuff, because I learned it's practically removed from the Bitcoin software.
< NotAnNSAgent>
Why didn't Bitcoin support multiple "wallets" right away? I have no idea what you mean that "accounts" are supposed to be, still.
< phantomcircuit>
NotAnNSAgent, the "accounts" stuff is completely separate from handling of bitcoin transactions
< NotAnNSAgent>
And why Bitcoin forces me to have separate instances and separate blockchains for each "account" I want to have (each "wallet" in your terms).
< NotAnNSAgent>
phantomcircuit: I'm trying to discuss the concept of "accounts" in Bitcoin and why they were made the way they were.
< NotAnNSAgent>
But the "wallet" idea is also an attractive thing to advertise. Though I think the "wallets" could rather be Bitcoin's own term for an "account", all inside a "Bitcoin bank" (bank.dat).
< NotAnNSAgent>
So I would've liked it better if the initial metaphor wasn't "wallet" and "wallet.dat", but instead "virtual Bitcoin bank" and "bank.dat".
< NotAnNSAgent>
Which could only be known to somebody who is very intimately familiar with the Bitcoin development process.
< sipa>
the documentation on bitcoin.org is often very good though, and better than what developers would write :)
< NotAnNSAgent>
If Bitcoin.org is unofficial.
< NotAnNSAgent>
Where is the actual manual for Bitcoin?
< sipa>
at least, not the Bitcoin Core maintainers
< sipa>
Bitcoin developers do not run that site.
< NotAnNSAgent>
I mean "you" as in "Bitcoin developers".
< belcher>
i think i found out accounts were deprecated from the bitcoin wiki or something
< sipa>
18:12:28 < NotAnNSAgent> Since Windows 10, the Bitcoin Core client for Windows uses the awful Windows 10 notifications, which I've been forced to turn off globally.
< sipa>
NotAnNSAgent: i must say that i'm somewhat surprised to see someone comment about using bitcoin on both Win10 and FreeBSD :)
< NotAnNSAgent>
My experiences especially these last few weeks have really convinced me that Bitcoin has a looooong way to go before it can be implemented by anyone other than hardcore experts.
< sipa>
NotAnNSAgent: for the longest time i was not paid to work on bitcoin, and i still spent weekends and evenings on it. please don't say that money is the only reason to do things
< NotAnNSAgent>
Now you're just being ridiculous. Are you saying that every Bitcoin business in the world uses third-party clients because the official one only allows one single wallet?
< gmaxwell>
There isn't really any "from" in the design of the bitcoin protocol in any case-- that people often think there is an artifact of the forensic analysis done by block explorers and the presentation of that analysis as 'transactions' in a way that doesn't actually reflect the operation of the bitcoin system.
< gmaxwell>
sturles: the lack of good durability options for bitcoin wallets probably makes that workflow suboptimal. You probably want to have something that lets you send a transaction atomically with making a backup.
< sipa>
but it's good to know that we should probably ask the bitcoin.org people to mark those RPCs as deprecated on the site
< NotAnNSAgent>
And it appears to be impossible to enable them only for Bitcoin Core.
< NotAnNSAgent>
Since Windows 10, the Bitcoin Core client for Windows uses the awful Windows 10 notifications, which I've been forced to turn off globally.
< GitHub10>
[bitcoin] sipa opened pull request #7933: Fix OOM when deserializing UTXO entries with invalid length (master...fixcompressoroom) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/7933