< gmaxwell> Luke-Jr: we know why that miner was problematic, they disabled script validation.
< Luke-Jr> gmaxwell: was that confirmed?
< Luke-Jr> afaik it was just speculated..
< gmaxwell> I confirmed it.
< Luke-Jr> interesting.
< phantomcircuit> gmaxwell, do you think it's likely that we will require anything in the coinbase scriptSig area beyond the block height for a soft fork ever again?
< phantomcircuit> (yes i know predicting the future and what not)
< gmaxwell> phantomcircuit: I would think it somewhat likely.
< phantomcircuit> gmaxwell, was afraid you'd say that
< * phantomcircuit> grubles and goes back to things
< CodeShark> why is qa/pull-tester/rpc-tests.py always getting modified when I build?
< CodeShark> oh, the permissions seem to have changed
< CodeShark> old mode 100644
< CodeShark> new mode 100755
< CodeShark> the fix: git config core.filemode false
< btcdrak> ping jgarzik: "CodeShark: the fix: git config core.filemode false"
< btcdrak> though I'm not sure anyone should be direct pushing to the repository, the point on pull requests is to catch mistakes
< CodeShark> is there any reason the file in the repo should have mode 644 and have configure change it to 755?
< btcdrak> CodeShark: it makes sense if you want a shell script for example, to be scripts to be executable by default.
< CodeShark> yes, but this is a python script
< CodeShark> do we ever need to run it directly?
< CodeShark> or do we always invoke it with python file.py?
< wumpus> uhm, configure shouldn't be changing the permissions of a file in the repository
< randy-waterhouse> more properly executable scripts should not be included in the EXTRA_DIST variable but using _SCRIPTS
< randy-waterhouse> wumpus right
< randy-waterhouse> then they will be clearly treated as executable binaries by whatever platform they land upon ... and handled accordingly
< wumpus> either it's packaged in the github repo with +x permissions, or it's not and called with python2, both are valid, but this isn't
< randy-waterhouse> agree
< wumpus> ok, so the file is 755 in the repo now, just the chmod XXX needs to be removed from configure.ac
< wumpus> both of them
< wumpus> although chmodding *generated* files in configure scfipt is fine, but not those that are in the repository
< GitHub165> [bitcoin] laanwj opened pull request #6759: build: Remove unncecessary chmods after #6616 (master...2015_10_remove_unncecessary_chmods) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/6759
< CodeShark> can I get some more ACKs? https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/6747
< CodeShark> if you ACK it I'll review your PR
< CodeShark> :)
< jonasschnelli> CodeShark: Yeah. PR review deals...
< CodeShark> ;)
< CodeShark> gotta prioritize somehow :)
< CodeShark> hell if any of us are going to go through all of them (well, maybe sipa will)
< CodeShark> :p
< jgarzik> I go through every one, once every couple of months, in additional to daily spot reviews based on incoming github email notifications.
< jgarzik> don't necessarily comment if things are going well, or nothing new to add
< CodeShark> ok, jgarzik will, too ;)
< CodeShark> can we please stop paying attention to that clown who claims he coined the idea of not validating stuff?
< CodeShark> I created an SPV client in a few seconds the other day...by disabling all transaction checks
< CodeShark> perhaps I should start claiming I coined SPV
< jgarzik> CodeShark, IMO hard fork vs soft fork is on topic
< CodeShark> perhaps discussed by serious individuals
< jgarzik> (though off topic for this channel)
< CodeShark> this person deserves no attention from any of us - he's a dick
< * wumpus> stopped paying attention to that particular clown quite some time ago, and suggest keeping it out of this channel
< jgarzik> +1
< wumpus> he's not welcome here and neither is talk baout him
< CodeShark> sorry, wumpus - I'll stop
< jgarzik> Meta - IMO behavior should be unwelcome, not people
< GitHub167> [bitcoin] laanwj pushed 2 new commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/3ab3de8ba1a6...2844b9e90e58
< GitHub167> bitcoin/master ea70997 Wladimir J. van der Laan: build: Remove unnecessary chmods after #6616...
< GitHub167> bitcoin/master 2844b9e Wladimir J. van der Laan: Merge pull request #6759...
< GitHub94> [bitcoin] laanwj closed pull request #6759: build: Remove unncecessary chmods after #6616 (master...2015_10_remove_unncecessary_chmods) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/6759
< GitHub13> [bitcoin] laanwj pushed 1 new commit to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/commit/5f34a2510f6414a27ac3179ee461c944c8acd395
< GitHub13> bitcoin/master 5f34a25 ptschip: Changed rpc-tests.sh to rpc-tests.py in README.md...
< GitHub143> [bitcoin] laanwj closed pull request #6752: Changed rpc-tests.sh to rpc-tests.py in README.md (master...readme) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/6752
< GitHub57> [bitcoin] laanwj pushed 2 new commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/5f34a2510f64...e10a4ab904ab
< GitHub57> bitcoin/master 9ee5ac8 Pavel Janík: Rewrite help texts for features enabled by default.
< GitHub57> bitcoin/master e10a4ab Wladimir J. van der Laan: Merge pull request #6748...
< GitHub178> [bitcoin] laanwj pushed 2 new commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/e10a4ab904ab...a75c67364d34
< GitHub178> bitcoin/master bb24835 Wladimir J. van der Laan: build: disable -Wself-assign...
< GitHub178> bitcoin/master a75c673 Wladimir J. van der Laan: Merge pull request #6744...
< GitHub182> [bitcoin] laanwj closed pull request #6744: build: disable -Wself-assign (master...2015_10_clang_self_assignment_warning) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/6744
< wumpus> GODDAMNIT, I did merge the UTF BOM in 5f34a25, these things are harder to get rid of than viruses
< wumpus> the mind boggles, what use are byte order marks, it's not like UTF-8 has different endiannesses
< btcdrak> we really need a basic CS checker as part of the CI process
< btcdrak> https://scrutinizer-ci.com is free for OSS projects. It integrates with Github like travis
< btcdrak> and does CS checks afaik
< GitHub76> [bitcoin] randy-waterhouse opened pull request #6760: Changed qa/pull-tester/run-bitcoind-for-test.sh.in to non-executable mode. (master...master) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/6760
< jgarzik> CS = coding style? clang works as CS checker. Using that is The Plan - reformat the source code according to the already-chosen clang style at some flag day. Then checks from that point can be automated.
< CodeShark> speaking of which, how are we on the C++11/C++14 stuff?
< CodeShark> I guess backports make that very hard now
< jonasschnelli> github merge script does use git@github.com: instead of https://github.com, wouldn't the later be our preferred way. I assume git@github.com uses plaintext communication. Sure. commits are signed, but still https might be the preferred way?
< jgarzik> jonasschnelli, git@github is ssh
< jgarzik> jonasschnelli, git:// is plaintext
< jonasschnelli> jgarzik: Ah. Right.. Thanks. I missed the @. nm
< btcdrak> jgarzik: yes, a codestyle checker - it doesnt need to be on nazi mode, just catch things like whitespace, UTF8 BOM, and basic style. Having it as part of the pull request CI (which includes Travis) makes it much easier for contributors to get it right first and makes less work for reviewers).
< CodeShark> jonasschnelli: which one's your pride and joy right now? I'll have a look
< CodeShark> PR that is
< jonasschnelli> CodeShark: I keep my +1 credit because non of my PR are merge-or-review-ready state. I still like to get the bip32 patch into 0.12. Will come back to your offer soon. :)
< jonasschnelli> *are in
< jgarzik> btcdrak, having a "fail unless clang-CS compliant" or "auto format tree to clang-CS style" policy fixes a lot of those issues automatically
< jonasschnelli> clang auto-format was rejected because clang-format wasn't deterministic enough (event with same version of clang-format) IIRC
< jonasschnelli> s/event/even
< GitHub152> [bitcoin] paveljanik opened pull request #6761: [Trivial] Remove UTF-8 BOM [skip ci] (master...remove_bom) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/6761
< GitHub72> [bitcoin] paveljanik opened pull request #6762: tests-config.sh is superseded by tests_config.py [skip ci] (master...qatest_gitignore) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/6762
< GitHub85> [bitcoin] laanwj closed pull request #6761: [Trivial] Remove UTF-8 BOM [skip ci] (master...remove_bom) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/6761
< GitHub107> [bitcoin] paveljanik opened pull request #6763: [Trivial] The Bitcoin Core project is releasing Bitcoin Core, not Bitcoin. (master...trivial_Bitcoin_vs_BitcoinCore_fix) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/6763