< ebfull> the bitcoin core contributing guidelines are vague on one point; is the author of a pull request free to rebase as their changes become unmergeable?
< ebfull> it does claim that rebasing and squashing may be asked of the author by "maintainers"
< gmaxwell> ebfull: just try to not confuse other reviewers, if its gone quiet (like your HTLC) is, I think it's fine to slice and dice the whole thing up.
< ebfull> thanks. moreover, would you find a policy asking contributors to submit a new pull request to avoid force pushes to their branches to be a silly rule/guideline? (presumably out of a fear of destroying history for reviewers)
< gmaxwell> it wouldn't be silly but it might be a bit over strong. Esp for trivial patches.
< ebfull> or trivial rebases
< ebfull> cool, thanks!
< cfields> what's the purpose of mapRelay? Just a cache to avoid hitting the mempool for fresh transactions?
< gmaxwell> no so you will answer transactions you advertised recently even if they're not in mempool anymore. (e.g. just got mined.)
< cfields> aha, thanks
< Luke-Jr> hm, is there a reason to do that?
< Luke-Jr> if it got mined, you're presumably going to resend it as part of the block anyway, right?
< gmaxwell> who says the peer even fetches the block?
< GitHub137> [bitcoin] morcos closed pull request #7557: Encapsulate options for mempool policy (master...policyOptions) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/7557
< GitHub66> [bitcoin] morcos closed pull request #7556: Some cleanup work for mempool and policy estimator (master...cleanupMempool) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/7556
< btcdrak> ebfull: we don't have a policy against rebasing in pull requests. most of rerbase and even ask for PR authors to squash where it makes sense.
< sipa> i tend to rebase continuously, updating individual commits in a way to make the history most logical
< sipa> until there is significant review
< ebfull> i agree with your policy (and it's what i'm used to on github); i had other reasons for asking :)
< sipa> ahERROR: no certificate subject alternative name matches
< sipa> requested host name `fukuchi.org'.
< sipa> To connect to fukuchi.org insecurely, use `--no-check-certificate'.
< sipa> OpenSSL: error:14077438:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1 alert internal error
< sipa> in travis?
< jouke> /win 38
< jouke> ...
< sipa> jouke: no, win 10
< Luke-Jr> well, it's technically a bad practice to rebase once published, but most of us tend to ignore that for better or worse :x
< sipa> Luke-Jr: depends whether you want to optimize for convenience of mergers, or convenience of future reviewers of the code.
< gmaxwell> There is no such thing as technically in the affairs of men.
< Luke-Jr> sipa: therefore you rebase until there is nobody to benefit from the no-longer-rebasing? :P
< Luke-Jr> gmaxwell: technically a bad practice because it screws up git badly ;)
< gmaxwell> for us we should optimize strongly for long term maintance... which suggests rebasing extensively until it's not useful to do so anymore. :)
< Luke-Jr> gmaxwell: I could argue against that, but not worth spending time debating it.
< Luke-Jr> it is what it is
< gmaxwell> can't make everyone happy.
< Luke-Jr> maybe some day when Bitcoin is 1.0 and we're all down to <=40 hour weeks with nothing to do, it will make sense to reconsider XD
< GitHub52> [bitcoin] laanwj pushed 2 new commits to 0.12: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/4d035bcc9aa3...c5f94f6584cb
< GitHub52> bitcoin/0.12 8692626 BtcDrak: Disable bad chain alerts...
< GitHub66> [bitcoin] laanwj closed pull request #7780: [0.12] Disable bad-chain alert (0.12...spurious) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/7780
< GitHub52> bitcoin/0.12 c5f94f6 Wladimir J. van der Laan: Merge #7780: [0.12] Disable bad-chain alert...
< GitHub181> [bitcoin] laanwj opened pull request #7781: devtools: Auto-set branch to merge to in github-merge (master...2016_04_github_merge_autobranch) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/7781
< GitHub124> [bitcoin] laanwj pushed 2 new commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/28ad4d9fc2be...e9723cb27384
< GitHub124> bitcoin/master 7539f1a Wladimir J. van der Laan: tests: Make proxy_test work on travis servers without IPv6
< GitHub179> [bitcoin] laanwj closed pull request #7489: tests: Make proxy_test work on travis servers without IPv6 (master...2016_02_ipv6_tests_conditional) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/7489
< GitHub124> bitcoin/master e9723cb Wladimir J. van der Laan: Merge #7489: tests: Make proxy_test work on travis servers without IPv6...
< GitHub3> [bitcoin] jonasschnelli opened pull request #7783: [Qt] RPC-Console: support nested commands and simple value queries (master...2016/04/qt_console_nested) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/7783
< GitHub44> [bitcoin] laanwj closed pull request #7485: Use system univalue by default (master...sys_univalue_def) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/7485
< GitHub75> [bitcoin] laanwj closed pull request #7464: Opt-in RBF must be strictly enabled or disabled before GBT can be called (master...master) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/7464
< instagibbs> in TestingSetup constructor, is the coinbaseKey.MakeNewKey stuff to just over-write the true genesis block for testing?
< paveljanik> jonasschnelli, do you have Qt5DBus.pc in 5.6?
< jonasschnelli> paveljanik: I saw you have found it. Or should I try to locate the file?
< paveljanik> jonasschnelli, I generated it 8)
< paveljanik> do you have it in your installation?
< paveljanik> The official installer has DBus framework...
< * jonasschnelli> checks for paveljaniks file
< jonasschnelli> paveljanik: no. no Qt5DBus.pc
< jonasschnelli> But also not in 5.5.1
< jonasschnelli> maybe not on OSX?
< paveljanik> Don't know. There was one in 5.4.
< gmaxwell> https://github.com/blog/2141-squash-your-commits but can you turn off both?
< jonasschnelli> sipa: p2penc: you said the size of the size of the encrypted payload should be after the payload itself to increase performance of the AEAD. Right?
< jonasschnelli> But my humble net/buffer experience tells me the size must be before the payload in order to work with chunked messages transmitting
< gmaxwell> how can the size be after? how would you find the size? the authentication code should be after so you can read/write it in a streaming manner.
< gmaxwell> the only way I know to make the size 'after' is to use a self-delimiting encoding which doesn't have an explicit size at all.
< sipa> jonasschnelli: the size obviously has to go first!
< sipa> jonasschnelli: but the authentication tag goes after
< jonasschnelli> Ah. Mixed it up. Right.
< jonasschnelli> And the tag has a fixed size. Right.
< jonasschnelli> [09:29:02] <gmaxwell> by sending a message in the channel, "everything that follows will be the next key"
< jonasschnelli> I also think about the rekeying issue. Do we really need an additional message for that?
< jonasschnelli> hmm.. I think so.
< jonasschnelli> Or we could reuse the "encinit" message with a 33 zero bytes as pubkey to indicate "a next key".
< GitHub128> [bitcoin] instagibbs opened pull request #7784: miner_tests number clarification (master...patch-4) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/7784
< GitHub151> [bitcoin] paveljanik opened pull request #7785: Trivial: Fix typo: Optimizaton -> Optimization [skip ci] (master...patch-16) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/7785
< Arnavion> Why turn both off? Is it that you want to remove the ability to merge from the web page, and only allow it from CLI + push?
< MarcoFalke> turning off both would mean auto-rebase, I assume
< jonasschnelli> btcdrak: we do not merge with github, right?
< MarcoFalke> I am wondering who is the author of the squash commit?
< MarcoFalke> no we don't
< gmaxwell> Arnavion: correct. Some projects, like bitcoin core forbid webpage merges by procedure.
< Arnavion> Yeah
< jonasschnelli> MarcoFalke: the merger.
< jonasschnelli> Arnavion: Github merges are not GPG signed.
< Arnavion> I don't know if GH will want to put in an option to reduce the functionality of their website, heh
< jonasschnelli> Github could smuggle in a MAX_BLOCKSIZE change. :)
< jonasschnelli> sipa gmaxwell: Is it relevant to hash(old_session_id) the session-id during re-keying?
< btcdrak> gmaxwell: "merge by webpage", you make it sound so dirty!
< btcdrak> :)
< MarcoFalke> Is there an "emergency plan" ready in case somone hit's the GitHub merge button by accident :) ?
< jonasschnelli> MarcoFalke: I think its disabled.
< gmaxwell> AFAIK it's not because there is no way to do so.
< cfields> github also allows you to disable a merge until tests have passed
< cfields> so at least a MAX_BLOCKSIZE would have to fix the unit tests as well :p
< cfields> *MAX_BLOCKSIZE change
< * jonasschnelli> is wondering if kanzure is looking for something to type...
< jonasschnelli> kanzure: If you have time, I need a native english to fix the enc/auth BIPs. https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/pull/362/files
< jonasschnelli> Its not final but a clean language/grammar would be good at this point.
< jonasschnelli> (can also be any other volunteer)
< jonasschnelli> Can directly be PRed (no I'm getting impudent) https://github.com/jonasschnelli/bips/commits/2016/03/auth_enc2
< GitHub5> [bitcoin] s-matthew-english opened pull request #7786: Update policy.cpp (master...patch-2) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/7786
< kanzure> jonasschnelli: so basic rewrite keep meaning the same?
< kanzure> i will look at this.