< gmaxwell>
https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/14780 looks like it is the only thing outstanding for 0.17.1, which would be _really_ good to get out considering that 0.17 is broken on both the latest ubuntu and fedora. achow101 is a specfically requested reviewer, meshcollider also reviewed one of the original PRs.
< sipa>
it's also marked 0.17.1 :)
< gmaxwell>
Yes, I'm nagging people to review it.
< gmaxwell>
because AFAICT it is the only thing blocking issuing a release candidate for 0.17.1 now.
< sipa>
< meshcollider>
gmaxwell: Ok I'll review it in a couple of hours
< provoostenator>
moneyball: pff, Amsterdam is a bit far on a bicycle :-P
< provoostenator>
I'll test the PSBT thing as well now
< sipa>
am i looking at the wrong line? it's just nullptr being assigned on line 297
< sipa>
and on line 296 the value being assigned is utxo (a CTxOut), not inout.non_witness_utxo
< provoostenator>
Right side: input.non_witness_utxo = nullptr;
< provoostenator>
YEs wrong lne
< provoostenator>
296: input.witness_utxo = utxo;
< gwillen>
utxo is a CTxOut, as is witness_utxo
< gwillen>
when we deal with non_witness_utxo (which is kind of poorly named), we extract the actual CTxOut from it: utxo = input.non_witness_utxo->vout[tx.vin[index].prevout.n];
< provoostenator>
gwillen: ah I see it now, thanks.
< gwillen>
< stevenroose>
How can transactions_tests.cpp be debugged?
< stevenroose>
I'm getting: unknown location(0): fatal error: in "transaction_tests/tx_valid": std::ios_base::failure[abi:cxx11]: CDataStream::read(): end of data: iostream error
< stevenroose>
test/transaction_tests.cpp(175): last checkpoint
< stevenroose>
Without more info. Is that line 175 "last checkpoint" the last line that didn't error?
< stevenroose>
Is there a way to know what vector is making it fail?
< Chris_Stewart_5>
stevenroose: The best i've been able to do is manual debugging of printing, finding the test case, and then deleting all other test cases in tx_valid.json while i debug...