< btcdrak>
has something else changed recently in the build requirements? I've been struggling to build master on a fresh Ubuntu instance https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/35OCOFYh/ - doesnt make sense.
< wumpus>
btcdrak: something is very wrong with your autoconf/configure run, looks like presence of byte-swap primitives is misdetected
< wumpus>
--without-gui works fine here
< wumpus>
what version of ubuntu is that? are you sure it's a fresh checkout, or an old polluted tree?
< btcdrak>
wumpus: yeah it was an old tree, git clean -dfx solved it.
< wumpus>
< GitHub18>
[bitcoin] petertodd opened pull request #6751: Document pull-req #6424 in release-notes (master...pull-req-6424-release-notes) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/6751
< wumpus>
cfields, jonasschnelli: looks like we collected some warning cruft in the build system, probably introduced by the unicode subtree change: make[2]: Circular univalue/lib/libunivalue.la <- univalue/lib/libunivalue.la dependency dropped.
< wumpus>
AddLocal(addr) automatically sets SetReachable(addr.net). Although I understand why, I don't think this is always correct, for example listening on an ONION address (-externalip=XXX.onion, or through #6639) doesn't mean we can do outgoing connections to them
< jonasschnelli>
wumpus: yes. I also saw the "circular reference" warning. Will have a look at it soon.