< kallewoof>
Hum. Why would this happen? (on master + patch so could be my fault, but I don't touch leveldb stuff at all...) -> LevelDB read failure: IO error: [..]/chainstate/1175304.ldb: Permission denied // Error: Error reading from database, shutting down.
< kallewoof>
I was in lldb so I see the trace but it doesn't make sense why a file in the bitcoin datadir would lack permissions for the bitcoin process.
< sipa>
what filesystem?
< midnightmagic>
does leveldb mitigate file access with locks?
< gmaxwell>
kallewoof: you aren't on windows are you?
< mryandao>
overlayfs? heh
< mryandao>
i've seen that happen when i run bitcoind with docker + volume mount on overlayfs