< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] danra opened pull request #11151: Fix header guards using reserved identifiers (master...fix/header-guards) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/11151
< jimpo> I know you guys are busy with the 0.15 release, but I'd really appreciate a review on either 11116 or 11113.
< gmaxwell> jimpo: Thanks!
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] RHavar opened pull request #11152: Increase DEFAULT_ANCESTOR_LIMIT and DEFAULT_DESCENDANT_LIMIT to 100 (master...limits) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/11152
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] RHavar closed pull request #11152: Increase DEFAULT_ANCESTOR_LIMIT and DEFAULT_DESCENDANT_LIMIT to 100 (master...limits) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/11152
< jtimon> I know nobody cares about this and that's why it's taken ages, but I think it's good even if I didn't care about signed blocks...
< meshcollider> I'll review in a second :)
< meshcollider> lgtm
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MeshCollider opened pull request #11153: Add meshcollider Gitian PGP key (master...201708_add_meshcollider_gpg) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/11153
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] danra opened pull request #11155: Trivial: Documentation fixes for CVectorWriter ctors (master...patch-8) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/11155
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] danra opened pull request #11156: Fix memory leaks in qt/guiutil.cpp (master...fix/qt-guiutil-memory-leaks) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/11156
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] laanwj pushed 2 new commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/07c92b98e2a0...7fd49d01dc2e
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master bc70ab5 Dan Raviv: Fix header guards using reserved identifiers...
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 7fd49d0 Wladimir J. van der Laan: Merge #11151: Fix header guards using reserved identifiers...
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] laanwj closed pull request #11151: Fix header guards using reserved identifiers (master...fix/header-guards) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/11151
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] danra opened pull request #11160: Tests: Improve versionbits_computeblockversion test code consistency and fix… (master...patch-9) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/11160
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] danra opened pull request #11161: Remove redundant explicitly defined CFeeRate copy ctor. (master...fix/redundant-CFeeRate-copy-ctor) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/11161
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] danra opened pull request #11163: Remove redundant explicitly defined CTxMemPoolEntry copy ctor (master...fix/redundant-CTxMemPoolEntry-copy-ctor) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/11163
< luke-jr> weird, I've got an apparent memory leak in custom bitcoind code, and valgrind fails to see it at all :/
< luke-jr> valgrind says 142 MB memory used total (incl reachable), yet ps shows 12.5 GB memory use, and if I run outside valgrind I rapidly hit swap
< gmaxwell> there are allocations happening via things other than malloc (and new) so valgrind can't see them.
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] danra closed pull request #11163: Remove redundant explicitly defined CTxMemPoolEntry copy ctor (master...fix/redundant-CTxMemPoolEntry-copy-ctor) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/11163
< gmaxwell> are you sure it's allocations and not mmaped files
< luke-jr> gmaxwell: well, things get real slow when I begin swapping
< luke-jr> I'd expect mmap can't do that
< luke-jr> thankfully, the actual code being executed is relatively small, I guess I can just start commenting out parts to see where the culprit is
< luke-jr> (the wallet rescan logic specifically)
< luke-jr> curiously, valgrind did report: crypto/common.h:48:22: runtime error: load of misaligned address 0x000046682d26 for type 'uint32_t', which requires 4 byte alignment
< luke-jr> and it looks like our SHA2 code does such access without checking alignment. wonder why it works.
< luke-jr> (but this is an older codebase, maybe already changed)
< gmaxwell> that should be fixed. alignment isn't required on x86, so it works even though its undefined behavior.
< sipa> luke-jr: which function is that?
< luke-jr> SSSE3 definitely segfaulted when not aligned on my Haswell CPU, but that's another specific case :p
< sipa> last line of WriteLE32 ?
< luke-jr> sipa: ReadBE32
< sipa> what version is that?
< luke-jr> 0.13.2-based
< luke-jr> I think this is a close stack http://codepad.org/oA6M1Oef
< sipa> fixed in #9512
< gmaxwell> luke-jr: yes, unaligned aligned simd reads can crash on x86.
< luke-jr> gmaxwell: the fun part of that was that glibc did it for memcpy XD
< * luke-jr> ended up just adding -mno-ssse3 to his CFLAGS
< gmaxwell> wtf. memcpy has no alignment requirements.
< sipa> gmaxwell: but memcpy may be implemented by casting pointers to int pointers and then assigning
< sipa> (i assume that's what luke meant)
< luke-jr> right
< * luke-jr> should set a ulimit so he can test this without his system coming to a crawl when he steps away for a second :|
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] danra opened pull request #11164: Fix boost headers included as user instead of system headers (master...fix/boost-system-includes) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/11164
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] sipa opened pull request #11167: Full BIP173 (Bech32) support (master...201708_bech32) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/11167
< luke-jr> oh. it seems -fsanitize=undefined causes the memory leak -.-
< gmaxwell> that isn't a memory leak.
< gmaxwell> msan needs scads of virtual address space and a fair amount of ram.
< luke-jr> gmaxwell: over 20 GB?
< luke-jr> also, this is undefined sanitizer, not msan <.<
< gmaxwell> same reason.
< gmaxwell> I've seen it get up to a petabyte of virt.
< luke-jr> it wasn't merely virt
< gmaxwell> (oh actually no, .1 PB)
< gmaxwell> yes, it uses a lot more RES too...
< luke-jr> kinda makes it useless :/
< gmaxwell> have more ram...
< luke-jr> UBSAN claims "The checks have small runtime cost…"
< gmaxwell> hm. I was confused above, I thought you were using asan. I'm not aware of undefined using a lot of ram.
< gmaxwell> jonasschnelli: I just had someone on IRC that had their GUI not displaying after upgrading to 0.14.2 ... this fixed it https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/7869#issuecomment-209265754 is there some underlying bug we need to fix?
< Lightsword> do we need to bump the OSX SDK version? I think it’s on 10.11 which doesn’t seem to have getentropy