< achow101>
I am getting this error for some reason on master: util.cpp:804:53: error: ‘COPYRIGHT_HOLDERS’ was not declared in this scope
< achow101>
I did git clean -fdx and now I am getting g++: internal compiler error: Killed (program cc1plus)
< sipa>
arubi: that sounds like OOM
< luke-jr>
achow101: had it previously held something other than master?
< GitHub17>
[bitcoin] gmaxwell opened pull request #8059: Remove unneeded feerate param from RelayTransaction/AcceptToMemoryPool. (master...feerate_param_cleanup) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/8059
< haldev>
< jonasschnelli>
haldev: Tell us..
< haldev>
i am noob to irc chat - i tried /HELP in the entry screen (like it said) and nothing happened
< haldev>
how do i get help on freenode commands?
< haldev>
< nathan_>
would anyone be interested in a private bitcoin dev forum?
< nathan_>
with a bit bucket for side projects that are private to devs
< helo>
the trolls
< nathan_>
that way conversations can be categerorized
< nathan_>
there could be a thread per bip
< nathan_>
< nathan_>
there could be votes for features
< paveljanik>
we need implementors, not place for the discussion about implementations...
< nathan_>
it would work better than irc
< nathan_>
and what if each forum had a box with an embeded irc too
< nathan_>
or a forum that like irc for instant chat
< paveljanik>
< nathan_>
< nathan_>
ill be able to help implement btc if this happens
< paveljanik>
do not implement new tools for developers. Implement new features directly.
< nathan_>
cant tell you hoe
< nathan_>
< nathan_>
but imagine a seperate irc style thing for each bip
< paveljanik>
pick some issue/feature wanted in the Issues list and submit PR.
< paveljanik>
< nathan_>
lightning network
< nathan_>
do you think it will happen
< paveljanik>
nathan_, discussion is on #bitcoin-dev
< paveljanik>
or #bitcoin
< paveljanik>
see the topic...
< nathan_>
< nathan_>
well i have an idea for core
< nathan_>
to do a hard fork implment an auto update 6 month ahead of tim to give people a chance to update then at the same (list of ntp server times) it hard forks
< nathan_>
could reduce block time to 1 minute
< nathan_>
for fast trasnfers without the lightning network
< pigeons>
nathan is a markov chain fed from reddit
< nathan_>
< nathan_>
just trying to help
< btcdrak>
nathan_ please move chat to #bitcoin
< nathan_>
if block time was one minute shops could accept btc as payment instantly
< paveljanik>
nathan_, no
< paveljanik>
please read the various talk forums about this and similar proposals.
< nathan_>
1 more thing whats the aim for bitcoin if its not to replace the banks then
< btcdrak>
nathan_: take it to #bitcoin
< btcdrak>
this channel is for Bitcoin Core implementation development discussion only.
< nathan_>
oh sorry
< nathan_>
what about a bitcoin core client server version which works only over local
< nathan_>
so you can have one server with the blockchain and 20 clients hosting wallets using the server for block chain (on fast storage)
< nathan_>
to save space and bandwidth on big bitcoin infrustructures