ChanServ changed the topic of #bitcoin-core-dev to: Bitcoin Core development discussion and commit log | Feel free to watch, but please take commentary and usage questions to #bitcoin | Channel logs:, | Weekly Meeting Thursday @ 14:00 UTC | Meeting topics
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<Murch[m]> Uh, confused by this tweet:
<Murch[m]> 25.x is in maintenance end, so I’m not sure why @bitcoincoreorg is tweeting that 25.x is still receiving maintenance updates.
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<_aj_> should presumably say "still receiving critical security updates" rather than "maintenance updates", i guess?
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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] theuni opened pull request #30387: contrib: use c++ compiler rather than c compiler for binary checks (master...cxx-security-check)
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<luke-jr> several of the now-disclosed vulnerabilities lack (AFAIK) CVE assignments. has anyone requested them yet? (they're denoted as "TBD" on the CVEs wiki page for now)
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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] TheCharlatan opened pull request #30388: bugfix: Check if mempool exists before asserting in ActivateSnapshot (master...assumeUtxoMempool)
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<darosior> luke-jr: yes
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<maflcko> ryanofsky: I went ahead and fixed it in . Let me know if there are any other issues with DrahtBot
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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake pushed 24 commits to master:
<bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 493a2e0 Pieter Wuille: random: write rand256() in function of fillrand()
<bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master b3b382d Pieter Wuille: random: move rand256() and randbytes() to .h file
<bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 27cefc7 Pieter Wuille: random: add a few noexcepts to FastRandomContext
<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake merged pull request #29625: Several randomness improvements (master...202403_rand_rework)
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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] ismaelsadeeq opened pull request #30391: BlockAssembler: return selected packages vsize and feerate (master...07-2024-miner-return-package-sizes-and-fees)
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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] maflcko opened pull request #30393: net_processing: use existing RNG object in ProcessGetBlockData (master...2407-rand-fixups)
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<bitcoin-git> [] fanquake pushed 2 commits to master:
<bitcoin-git> 0ddea14 fanquake: 27.1: fix formatting in release notes
<bitcoin-git> 5695416 merge-script: Merge bitcoin-core/ 27.1: fix formatting in release n...
<bitcoin-git> [] fanquake merged pull request #1045: 27.1: fix formatting in release notes (master...fix_formatting)
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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] glozow pushed 2 commits to master:
<bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 33c48c1 TheCharlatan: validation: Check if mempool exists before asserting in ActivateSnapshot
<bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master aa61d4f glozow: Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#30388: validation: Check if mempool exists before si...
<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] glozow merged pull request #30388: validation: Check if mempool exists before size check in ActivateSnapshot (master...assumeUtxoMempool)
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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake pushed 2 commits to master:
<bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master f59e905 Cory Fields: depends: switch libevent to CMake
<bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master bd5d168 merge-script: Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#29835: depends: build libevent with CMake
<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake merged pull request #29835: depends: build libevent with CMake (master...libevent_master_cmake)
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<achow101> #startmeeting
<achow101> #bitcoin-core-dev Meeting: achow101 _aj_ amiti ariard aureleoules b10c BlueMatt brunoerg cfields darosior dergoegge dongcarl fanquake fjahr furszy gleb glozow hebasto instagibbs jamesob jarolrod jonatack josibake kallewoof kanzure kouloumos kvaciral laanwj LarryRuane lightlike luke-jr MacroFake Murch phantomcircuit pinheadmz promag provoostenator ryanofsky sdaftuar S3RK stickies-v sipa sr_gi theStack TheCharlatan vasild
<tdb3> hi
<brunoerg> hi
<dergoegge> hi
<TheCharlatan> hi
<darosior> LogPrintf("hi");
<furszy> hi
<pinheadmz> 🇺🇸
<achow101> There are no pre-proposed meeting topics this week. Any last minute ones to add?
<hebasto> hi
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<sdaftuar> hi
<abubakarsadiq> hi
<achow101> #topic package relay updates (glozow)
<glozow> hi
<glozow> I'm back. TRUC stuff is done! Package RBF still has the followups left, #30295.
<glozow> On the p2p side, #30111 is still the priority. I updated it yesterday and now waiting for review. Keen to get that done so that we can move on to #30110.
<gribble> | #28984 package rbf followups by instagibbs · Pull Request #30295 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
<gribble> | locks: introduce mutex for tx download, flush rejection filters on UpdatedBlockTip by glozow · Pull Request #30111 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
<gribble> | refactor: TxDownloadManager by glozow · Pull Request #30110 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
<josie> hi
<glozow> that's it from me
<achow101> #topic cluster mempool updates (sdaftuar)
<sdaftuar> hi. #30126 is still the PR to review (see cluster mempool tracking issue, #30289).
<gribble> | cluster mempool: cluster linearization algorithm by sipa · Pull Request #30126 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
<b10c> hi
<gribble> | Cluster mempool tracking issue · Issue #30289 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
<stickies-v> hi
<sdaftuar> i've started reviewing sipa's cluster linearization code PR myself, and also trying to keep #28676 up to date with rebases (just noticed i should rebase again)
<gribble> | [WIP] Cluster mempool implementation by sdaftuar · Pull Request #28676 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
<sipa> hi
<sdaftuar> not sure if sipa is around to provide any other updates, but happy to answer questions
<sipa> i've been addresses some early review comments on 30126
<sipa> i've considering changes the serialization format for clusters (which the fuzz tests heavily rely on), as it may be simpler
<jonatack> hi
<sipa> other than that, i've been working on a (probably too) long writeup explaining why the algorithms in my PRs are needed and why they work
<achow101> #topic legacy wallet removal updates (achow101)
<achow101> #26596 is still the PR to review and it looks like it's close.
<gribble> | wallet: Migrate legacy wallets to descriptor wallets without requiring BDB by achow101 · Pull Request #26596 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
<fjahr> hi
<achow101> There's also #28574, #30265, and gui#824 to review
<gribble> | wallet: optimize migration process, batch db transactions by furszy · Pull Request #28574 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
<gribble> | wallet: Fix listwalletdir listing of migrated default wallets and generated backup files by achow101 · Pull Request #30265 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
<gribble> | Use of read_some in bitcoinrpc.cpp · Issue #824 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
<achow101> #topic Ad-hoc high priority for review
<achow101> Anything to add or remove from
<abubakarsadiq> can i get #29523 it has been acked by furszy already
<gribble> | Wallet: Add `max_tx_weight` to transaction funding options (take 2) by ismaelsadeeq · Pull Request #29523 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
<achow101> abubakarsadiq: added
<abubakarsadiq> thanks
<jonatack> Question, would people like to see BIPs merges in this channel?
<achow101> jonatack: I think bips should have it's own channel
<jonatack> Noticed the bitcoincore org ones were added here recently
<achow101> bips are separate from bitcoin core
<achow101> Any other topics to discuss today?
<glozow> 26.2 was tagged, please build
<sipa> disclosures of ancient bitcoin core versions were published:
<achow101> #endmeeting
<fjahr> jonatack: I would be interested in number assignments only but merges of typo fixes etc. sounds too noisy for this channel
<jonatack> fjahr: achow101: makes sense
<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin-detached-sigs] achow101 pushed 1 commit to 26.x:
<bitcoin-git> bitcoin-detached-sigs/26.x 6f0226f Ava Chow: 26.2: win sig for final
<jonatack> @bitcoinmerges account in (fediverse) currently toots all core, gui and bips merges
<jonatack> and Murch[m] tweets about merges of new bips
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<luke-jr> darosior: in that case, note that a few of them did already have CVEs assigned years ago, which were omitted from the website
<glozow> b10c: willcl-ark: btw the guix.sigs hash matching workflow is really awesome and useful, thanks!!! 👏
<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin-detached-sigs] fanquake pushed 1 commit to 26.x:
<bitcoin-git> bitcoin-detached-sigs/26.x f97d367 fanquake: 26.2: macOS sig for final
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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] theStack opened pull request #30394: net: fix race condition in self-connect detection (master...202407-p2p-fix_selfdetection_racecond)
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