< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake opened pull request #12466: depends: Only use D_DARWIN_C_SOURCE when building miniupnpc on darwin (master...fix-miniupnpc-darwin) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/12466
< kallewoof> Review would be great #10267 - unless people are expecting me to change something and I'm not even realizing it?
< gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/10267 | New -includeconf argument for including external configuration files by kallewoof · Pull Request #10267 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] theuni opened pull request #12467: build: compile univalue as c++11 (master...fix-subconfigure-args) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/12467
< cfields> esotericnonsense: ^^that's for you. Thanks for complaining :)
< cfields> fanquake: I know I owe you a bunch of review. Sorry for the turn-around time
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] Aesti opened pull request #12468: Trivial: Adds missing newline in init.cpp (master...master) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/12468
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] jonasschnelli pushed 2 new commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/23481fa50301...daa84b33540a
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master a777244 Andrea Comand: Build: Add a makefile target for Doxygen documentation...
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master daa84b3 Jonas Schnelli: Merge #12029: Build: Add a makefile target for Doxygen documentation...
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] jonasschnelli closed pull request #12029: Build: Add a makefile target for Doxygen documentation (master...make-doxygen) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/12029
< provoostenator> What's the git incantation for checking if a rebased commit in a PR is otherwise the same?
< wumpus> what I do is cherry-pick the old commit on top of the new parent, then git diff between that and the rebased commit
< wumpus> I don't know if there's anything shorter
< wumpus> you could try looking at second-order diffs (e.g. diff of the commit diffs) but that won't work well if line numbers changed
< provoostenator> I'll try the cherry-pick approach. I vaguely remember someone showing off a neater way in the past few months.
< provoostenator> That's this should be quick enough.
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] jonasschnelli pushed 2 new commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/daa84b33540a...294a766eb850
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 8b661f9 Josh Hartshorn: fixes #12465 added missing terminating newline character in log message
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 294a766 Jonas Schnelli: Merge #12468: Add missing newline in init.cpp log message...
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] jonasschnelli closed pull request #12468: Add missing newline in init.cpp log message (master...master) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/12468
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] jonasschnelli pushed 5 new commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/294a766eb850...8a98dfeebf58
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 39633ec John Newbery: [rpc] split wallet and non-wallet parts of DescribeAddressVisitor
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 1598f32 John Newbery: [rpc] Move DescribeAddressVisitor to rpc/util
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master b98bfc5 Andrew Chow: Create getaddressinfo RPC and deprecate parts of validateaddress...
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] jonasschnelli closed pull request #10583: [RPC] Split part of validateaddress into getaddressinfo (master...getaddressinfo) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/10583
< meshcollider> \o/
< meshcollider> andrew will be happy that one is finally in I'm sure
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] maalik12 opened pull request #12473: V0.12.2.x (master...v0.12.2.x) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/12473
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] laanwj closed pull request #12473: V0.12.2.x (master...v0.12.2.x) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/12473
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] hkjn opened pull request #12474: [depends] Allow depends system to support armv7l (master...fix-armv7-depends) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/12474
< hkjn0> cfields: fyi I created #12474 with the patch you created a few days ago (well almost the same patch, I updated the openssl.mk line instead of adding a new one)
< da2ce7> I think that dropping support for QT4 is reasonable. https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/8263
< achow101> Review/merge begs for #10579 and #10637
< gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/10579 | [RPC] Split signrawtransaction into wallet and non-wallet RPC command by achow101 · Pull Request #10579 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
< gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/10637 | Coin Selection with Murchs algorithm by achow101 · Pull Request #10637 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
< kanzure> i am still seeking topic suggestions for a meetup
< kanzure> you can submit in public or to me privately
< kanzure> also it doesn't have to be topics that you want to speak about, it can be things that you want someone else to say things about
< kanzure> put them on the spot
< kanzure> ... or else i might randomly assign things :-).
< Randolf> kanzure: Are you trying to organize a Bitcoin Core Development meeting?
< kanzure> no that's somebody else
< Randolf> kanzure: Well, this channel is focused on Bitcoin Core Development.
< kanzure> your messages don't make sense
< kanzure> 1) i am not the organizer
< kanzure> 2) this is on topic.
< kanzure> this was also part of the agenda for the last meeting (it seems this bot has stopped posting files? http://www.erisian.com.au/meetbot/bitcoin-dev/ )
< mlz> lol Randolf doesn't know you're also a core dev, kanzure
< kanzure> ah here we go,
< Randolf> mlz: Thanks for pointing that out.
< Randolf> kanzure: Sorry, I don't know who all the core developers are.
< Randolf> kanzure: I see what's going now. Thanks. :)