< gwillen>
I'm interested if anybody knows anything about issues with QT repaints not always happening when needed on OS X
< gwillen>
e.g. in 0.17 on OS X if I click 'Use available balance' the amount field does not repaint until I click in it, or switch apps and switch back, or do something else to trigger a repaint
< gwillen>
and I'm seeing the same thing in code I'm writing (a button in a dialog not repainting to gray when I disable it programmatically, unless I switch apps and switch back)
< gwillen>
achow101: what is the purpose of all the business with txconst in fillpsbt? It says something about preventing rehashing but I just don't see it.
< gwillen>
you never call GetHash on it, or do anything with it that would call GetHash to be called on it
< achow101>
gwillen: that is probably from something I copy-pasted from elsewhere
< gwillen>
ha, ok
< gwillen>
I am probably going to do some refactoring
< gwillen>
along with the stuff I'm working on
< achow101>
gwillen: oh, that was probably from the original version of psbt where the unsigned tx would be modified when signatures were completed
< gwillen>
ahhhhh, *nods*
< provoostenator>
gwillen: I regularly review, or at least test, QT/GUI PR's too, just tag me on Github
< provoostenator>
"Repaint" bugs would be useful to have Github tickets for. It could indicate a deeper problem than just a glitch.
< gwillen>
cool, thanks provoostenator
< gwillen>
let me double-check that the one I didn't cause myself, already happens in the official release binary, and if so I will file it accordingly
< provoostenator>
wumpus wrote "provoostenator: sure, tagged", in reference to what?
< gwillen>
the one I did cause, I can't find any reason that it could possibly happen, as the object that's not painting itself is a stock ordinary QPushButton, which is sort of troubling
< gwillen>
provoostenator: uhm, hm. It does it when I build it myself at the tag v0.17.0, but not when I run the release binary downloaded from bitcoin.org.
< gwillen>
that is very mysterious to me
< promag>
provoostenator: that was for me
< provoostenator>
gwillen: that's very possible. Please make a Github ticket, and make sure to mention your macOS version, QT version (probably the issue), whether you used homebrew or the depends system.
< grey-jacket>
Hi every one.
< grey-jacket>
Does someone has experience with having thousands of accounts with 1 watch only address each?
< grey-jacket>
Is it scalable?
< grey-jacket>
Or maybe 2 addresses
< grey-jacket>
I see this is the wrong channel, but messages to #bitcoin don't go out
< echeveria>
grey-jacket: #bitcoin is not restricted in any way, ask there.
< rafalcpp>
echeveria: he is not registered user
< echeveria>
#bitcoin is not +r, it does not require registration.
< echeveria>
that should be fixed. I didn't realise the mute was in place.
< AlgentBV>
folks, someone told me about compression that's better than gzip 3 weeks ago. I forgot the project name
< AlgentBV>
So the next logical part was to get PORTD into a variable.
< AlgentBV>
stop whatever else you're doing and learn the definitions
< AlgentBV>
its the server then?
< AlgentBV>
yeah, good luck with your distro of one. everyone else will end up on Android or Fuchsia
< promag>
thanks meshcollider
< Zx3Si>
the 0201 parts look even closer to dust
< Zx3Si>
but i dunno
< Zx3Si>
bipul: achieves the output you want, but my guess is it's not what you want diff -u file1 file2 | awk "NR>3" | grep -E "Header|^-|^\+" | sed -r 's|^.||'
< Zx3Si>
i never said the stdlib is complete. i just said <Eelis> for quick debug print statements i find typing cout << "x = " << x << '\n'; pretty managable
< Zx3Si>
fred1807: I think that make NATIVE_BUILD=1 is somehow magically better, but I don't recall why make does that
< trevor_syu>
maybe that was natural, the universe needed plastic and low and behold plastic!
< trevor_syu>
or comptia linux+ ?
< trevor_syu>
hey question about using a Github account within a terminal. So I made a directory for my github account and want to clone the repository from my current machine into my git hub account
< Sleepy63GF>
Or btrfs mounted with compression.
< Sleepy63GF>
if realloc fails it returns NULL and the input pointer is still valid
< Guest53000>
pingfloyd: Triffid_Hunter ][_R_][ I have tons of them too. I have my rigid dotfiles. I love my linux life :-). I will try the aliasing suggestion and get back to let you know if our `team work` worked. :-)
< Guest53000>
more than a few, a plethora ;P
< Guest53000>
Kryczek: the risk is when you have a large legacy network and you might not know what is connected to it and where
< umbSublimehl>
looks like love to me
< umbSublimehl>
then again alot less people use linux compared to those
< umbSublimehl>
CMF: you don’t, you use a tape measure or ruler ;)
< hybryd_>
so i just did a table and when i brought the csv into the table, it gave me an error “invalid input syntax for type date: “ “
< hybryd_>
it makes starting chats easy, but everything else is horrible
< bomanVS>
git submodules update did not work since it pulled things from "superproject" or whatever
< bomanVS>
since they’re already using arrays for the transmission gates...
< bomanVS>
A think you can do in R, anyhow, is: for each positive epsilon, there are two open sets U, V so that the measure of U cap V is at most epsilon, and \bar{U} = \bar{V}.
< achow101>
wtf is this spam? Can someone set +r on the channel?
< gmaxwell>
achow101: just ignore it, it's harmless and it'll stop. The only apparent motivation for it is forcing +r on the channel.
< AdeonND>
Mosley187: You are here in #fedora-unregistered because you are not registered or identified with freenode. See https://freenode.net/kb/answer/registration or /msg nickserv help register for more information.
< AdeonND>
< AdeonND>
maret: the state you tell it to be at
< AdeonND>
i beg you
< AdeonND>
Dagmar: how to weasel into each system despite nobody wanting him to
< kevank>
pavonia: Okay, here's another way to think of it.
< kevank>
sry i know its no ones job to teach me to computer, just hoping someone is feeling magnanimous. doing a find . "*bin" from /home/zeb/irssi-1-1-1/ shows a /perl/ folder but thats it
< jnewbery>
promag: yes, the version the RPC will be removed in should be in the warning text and the release notes when the RPC is deprecated. See https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/14468/files for example
< sipa>
gmaxwell: i wouldn't call it harmless
< gmaxwell>
better than irritating trolls that go through +r fine though.
< phantomcircuit>
gmaxwell, can you take a look at #14335
< phantomcircuit>
it should all be just refactoring
< phantomcircuit>
no logic changes now
< gmaxwell>
phantomcircuit: sure!
< phantomcircuit>
gmaxwell, thank you
< sipa>
phantomcircuit: that looks great regardless
< sipa>
breaking up those giant functions
< phantomcircuit>
sipa, my goal was to do exactly that, have a nice refactor pr which can stand on it's own from the poll() pr
< goezbk>
it's like tongue
< goezbk>
Hindent does something weird if I try to define a data constructor like (:-|) or w/e, since it strips the brackets and makes it be an error. Is there a way I can tell it to stop doing that?
< goezbk>
The current block height is 1,658,259. Difficulty is 65,721,720,982. Hashrate is 547.68 Mh/s.
< goezbk>
daurnimator, xread has also nf ?
< goezbk>
now coming hear lotuspsychje pointed out that there has been a vulnerability in samba and asking for uname-a
< gwillen>
gmaxwell: I find it more irritating because I have to read several lines before I realize it's nonsense :-P