ChanServ changed the topic of #bitcoin-core-dev to: Bitcoin Core development discussion and commit log | Feel free to watch, but please take commentary and usage questions to #bitcoin | Channel logs:, | Weekly Meeting Thursday @ 14:00 UTC | Meeting topics
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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] kevkevinpal opened pull request #30068: test: assert can't activate snapshot based chainstate more than once (master...assumeutxoActivateTwice)
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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake pushed 2 commits to master:
<bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 189d0da Hennadii Stepanov: build, test: Remove unused `TIMEOUT` environment variable
<bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 6f1d906 merge-script: Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#30063: build, test: Remove unused `TIMEOUT` environm...
<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake merged pull request #30063: build, test: Remove unused `TIMEOUT` environment variable (master...240508-timeout)
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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] threewebcode opened pull request #30071: chore: fix some typos (master...patch-2)
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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] glozow closed pull request #30071: chore: fix some typos (master...patch-2)
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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake closed pull request #30068: test: assert can't activate snapshot based chainstate more than once (master...assumeutxoActivateTwice)
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<hebasto> are there any `fork()`specific issues for `lcov`? It seems that child code branches for `if(0 == fork())` are marked as not executed, which is untrue (for example,
<sipa> hebasto: is there an exec in the fork?
<sipa> if so, that's expected, because the child process gets replaced with the other binary, and never gets a chance to report its coverage
<hebasto> there is a execvp()
<hebasto> ah, I see
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<hebasto> sipa: ty
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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] instagibbs opened pull request #30072: refactor prep for package rbf (master...2024-05-package_rbf_prep)
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<achow101> #startmeeting
<TheCharlatan> hi
<achow101> #bitcoin-core-dev Meeting: achow101 _aj_ amiti ariard aureleoules b10c BlueMatt brunoerg cfields darosior dergoegge dongcarl fanquake fjahr furszy gleb glozow hebasto instagibbs jamesob jarolrod jonatack josibake kallewoof kanzure kouloumos kvaciral laanwj LarryRuane lightlike luke-jr MacroFake Murch phantomcircuit pinheadmz promag provoostenator ryanofsky sdaftuar S3RK stickies-v sipa sr-gi[m] theStack TheCharlatan vasild
<josie> hiya
<cfields> hi
<hebasto> hi
<brunoerg> hi
<pinheadmz> yoyoyo
<instagibbs> hi
<furszy> hi
<tdb3> hi
<sipa> hi
<willcl-ark> hi
<sdaftuar> hi
<_aj_> hi
<achow101> There are no pre-proposed meeting topics this week. Any last minute ones to add?
<Sjors[m]> Hi
<lightlike> Hi
<sr_gi[m]> Hi
<Murch[m]> hi
<glozow> hi
<achow101> #topic package relay updates (glozow)
<abubakarsadiq> hi
<glozow> I've been on holiday so will update #30000 in a bit. Currently reviewing #28984 which is the priority PR rn.
<gribble> | Cluster size 2 package rbf by instagibbs · Pull Request #28984 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
<gribble> | p2p: index TxOrphanage by wtxid, allow entries with same txid by glozow · Pull Request #30000 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
<glozow> That's all, not much to report this week
<dergoegge> hi
<stickies-v> hi
<achow101> #topic cluster mempool updates (sdaftuar)
<sdaftuar> not much of an update from me this week either. i did push a rebase up to the draft PR, and i'm working on some slightly esoteric things right now. still planning to udpate the branch with better benchmarks and tests in the near future.
<sipa> i'm getting close to having some PR'able low-level cluster linearization code.
<sdaftuar> i think as glozow said, #28984 is probably the best thing to be reviewing/working on as a next PR
<gribble> | Cluster size 2 package rbf by instagibbs · Pull Request #28984 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
<josie> sipa: too bad close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades *ducks*
<sdaftuar> josie: be careful what you wish for!
<kanzure> hi
<instagibbs> please reach out if you have any questions or want a walktrhough on how tx processing works today(non-trivial!)
<achow101> #topic legacy wallet removal updates (achow101)
<glozow> *hurriedly generates epic handshake meme
<abubakarsadiq> #30072 was opened recently, can review happen asynchronously for #28984 and #30072 or there is dependency?
<gribble> | refactor prep for package rbf by instagibbs · Pull Request #30072 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
<gribble> | Cluster size 2 package rbf by instagibbs · Pull Request #28984 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
<gribble> | refactor prep for package rbf by instagibbs · Pull Request #30072 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
<achow101> #26606 is still the pr to review, and it looks like a few people are still looking at it
<gribble> | wallet: Implement independent BDB parser by achow101 · Pull Request #26606 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
<instagibbs> glozow suggested it, people can yell at me to close if they don't think it's necessary, whatever aids review
<josie> achow101: started with it, was curious if there were any bdb wallets from when you and murch were doing wallet simulations?
<josie> or more generally, if anyone here has old bdb wallets that can be used for testing that PR
<achow101> josie: I might've deleted them
<glozow> I think there would be a conflict. I just figured it might make the PR smaller
<achow101> josie: since it uses the test framework, they all get cleaned up at the end of the script
<achow101> but yes, if anyone has old bdb wallets, testing them on 26606 would be useful
<josie> yeah was more just curious to try it on a variety of wallets in the wild. i remembered the simulation wallets actually had some interesting txs and behavior, which is what made me think of them
<Murch[m]> josie: Sorry, also don’t have any
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<cfields> achow101: current test failure relevant? It's wallet-related.
<sipa> josie: i think expected issues would be more due to being created with old versions, having gone through many (but maybe not all) version upgrades, ...; not so much the content (in terms of addresses/transactions) of the wallet
<sipa> maybe very large wallets might trigger edge cases
<achow101> cfields: i probably have to rebase. that ci task is the one that tells us about silent merge conflicts
<fanquake> cfields: a number of wallet tests just fail semi-regularly, looks like one of those
<furszy> IIRC, there is a PR seeking to fix that
<furszy> 29982
<sipa> #29982
<gribble> | test: Fix intermittent issue in by Randy808 · Pull Request #29982 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
<josie> sipa: yeah, iirc we were simulating with very large wallets and some of them had been around forever, which is why i was hoping for old versions/upgrades etc. agree that the tx content itself isnt that important for the bdb parser
<sipa> josie: oh, i see
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<cfields> roger, thanks.
<achow101> #topic Ad-hoc high priority for review
<achow101> Anything to add or remove from
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<achow101> or any other topics to discuss this week?
<fanquake> I'll add #29739. Would like to get that done soon, so we can finish with #21778
<gribble> | build: swap cctools otool for llvm-objdump by fanquake · Pull Request #29739 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
<gribble> | build: LLD based macOS toolchain by fanquake · Pull Request #21778 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
<achow101> fanquake: added
<fanquake> re other topics, the current round of backports for 27.x are reviewable/mergable. Would like to get that in shortly too
<achow101> #29888
<gribble> | [27.x] Backports by fanquake · Pull Request #29888 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
<achow101> #endmeeting
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<theStack> achow101: the bdb parser in the test framework assumes a pagesize of 4096 bytes. i wondered where does number comes from? did earlier versions of bitcoin core set a fixed pagesize? (is this even possible?)
<achow101> It's the bdb default
<theStack> ah, i see. IIRC it was 16K on my machine using the depends build when i last checked
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<Sjors[m]> sipa: IIRC you mentioned a while ago that you have a WIP improvement to the Transport class and friends
<sipa> Sjors[m]: i do not recall
<Sjors[m]> For Stratum v2 I'd really like to kill its dependency on CNetMessage
<Sjors[m]> (and CSerializedNetMsg)
<sipa> oh, i had an idea for an improvement, but never implemented
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<achow101> theStack: the page size is stored in the wallet, so if it's different, we'll be able to handle it
<Sjors[m]> sipa: can you project these thoughts as a comment on #29432 or a new Github issue? I might take a stab at it if you don't have time.
<gribble> | Stratum v2 Template Provider (take 3) by Sjors · Pull Request #29432 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
<fjahr> #29973 and #28793 might be RFM, 3 ACKs each. Would be great if someone could take a look, thanks a lot!
<gribble> | test: Assumeutxo: ensure failure when importing a snapshot twice by alfonsoromanz · Pull Request #29973 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
<gribble> | contrib: Add asmap-tool by fjahr · Pull Request #28793 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
<_aj_> sipa: i didn't have anything to add to your comment in #27795 ; hadn't noticed the PR had updated after marco's comment either
<gribble> | Remove Ambiguity of Script ASM Hex and Decimal Integer Representations · Issue #27795 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] achow101 pushed 2 commits to master:
<bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master b259b0e Alfonso Roman Zubeldia: [Test] Assumeutxo: ensure failure when importing a snapshot twice
<bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 921c61e Ava Chow: Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#29973: test: Assumeutxo: ensure failure when importi...
<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] achow101 merged pull request #29973: test: Assumeutxo: ensure failure when importing a snapshot twice (master...assumeutxo-test-import-snapshot-twice)
<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] achow101 pushed 2 commits to master:
<bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 6abe772 Fabian Jahr: contrib: Add asmap-tool
<bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master ceb1e07 Ava Chow: Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#28793: contrib: Add asmap-tool
<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] achow101 merged pull request #28793: contrib: Add asmap-tool (master...2023-11-asmap-tool-nextgen)
<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake opened pull request #30074: contrib: use ENV flags in get_arch (master...get_arch_env_flags)
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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] hebasto opened pull request #30075: test, subprocess: Improve coverage report correctness (master...240509-coverage)
<cfields> josie: want me to fix up the KeyPair changes?
<cfields> also, should probably double-check with sipa that the cast is safe and future-proof..
<sipa> hi!
<josie> cfields: sure! if not, no worries, i was going to take a crack at it tomorrow morning
<josie> "double-check" -> "summon"
<cfields> summoning sipa for a sanity-check on line 416
<cfields> quick context: adds a wrapper for keypair using dumb bytes for storage, then blindly casts to the secp type.
<sipa> cfields: maybe add a static_assert that KeyPair::size() == sizeof(secp256k1_keypair) ?
<sipa> the cast seems fine to me
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<cfields> 👍
<cfields> thanks
<josie> sipa: cheers!
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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] achow101 pushed 3 commits to master:
<bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master a8d9a0e Sergi Delgado Segura: test: adds outbound eviction functional tests, updates comment in Consider...
<bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master d53d848 Sergi Delgado Segura: test: adds outbound eviction tests for non outbound-full-relay peers
<bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 012e540 Ava Chow: Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#29122: test: adds outbound eviction functional tests...
<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] achow101 merged pull request #29122: test: adds outbound eviction functional tests, updates comment in ConsiderEviction (master...2023-12-20-eviction-tests)
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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] achow101 pushed 5 commits to master:
<bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 4f34714 Sebastian Falbesoner: test: refactor: move fill_mempool to new module mempool_util
<bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master c8e6d08 Sebastian Falbesoner: test: refactor: eliminate COINBASE_MATURITY magic number in fill_mempool
<bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master b2037ad Sebastian Falbesoner: test: add MiniWallet tagging support to avoid UTXO mixing
<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] achow101 merged pull request #29939: test: add MiniWallet tagging support to avoid UTXO mixing, use in `fill_mempool` (master...202404-test-support_MiniWallet_tags)
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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] achow101 pushed 2 commits to master:
<bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master fd6a7d3 Matthew Zipkin: test: use sleepy wait-for-log in reindex readonly
<bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 98dd4e7 Ava Chow: Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#30006: test: use sleepy wait-for-log in reindex read...
<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] achow101 merged pull request #30006: test: use sleepy wait-for-log in reindex readonly (master...sleepy-wait)
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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] theStack opened pull request #30076: test: fix MiniWallet script-path spend (missing parity bit in leaf version) (master...202405-MiniWallet-fix_script_path_spend_missing_sign_bit)
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