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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] ajtowns opened pull request #23235: Reduce unnecessary default logging (master...202110-acceptblockheader-silence) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/23235
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<hebasto> Kiminuo: how could I setup Windows PowerShell to correctly work with UTF-8 (`.\bitcoind.exe -testnet -datadir="C:\dev\fs_tests_₿_🏃\datadir"`) ?
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<shiza> If it does not by default, then tests shouldn't use it by default.
<shiza> At least in your system.
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<laanwj> luke-jr: some kind of syscall-wrapper like faketime? where do you see this?
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<Kiminuo> @hebasto: I actually just use https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/ and run Powershell as a tab there. I don't have any special settings modified anywhere and so far I have not encountered any issues with unicode.
<Kiminuo> Anyway, I'm recompiling the PR again and trying to find out why https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/22937 fails for me and it works for you
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<prayank> hebasto: Is this what you are looking for? https://stackoverflow.com/a/40098904/
<Kiminuo> hebasto: To be a little more clear: "Windows Powershell" can denote two things: 1) Powershell running on Windows or 2) Windows Powershell as the edition that is not multiplatform (version 5.1).
<prayank> I have tried writing few PowerShell scripts for Bitcoin Core but never used utf 8 in them
<Kiminuo> I actually use Powershell 7 which is multi-platform. Saying that to avoid confusion as I don't really know which Powershell you have
<prayank> kiminuo: yeah even I used cross platform which has less cmdlets right now
<Kiminuo> prayank: :thumbsup:
<Kiminuo> Ha, merged master with https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/22937 and it works
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<hebasto> prayank: Kiminuo: thanks for links; as 22937 now works for Kiminuo I won't bother to tackle with my testing Windows for now :)
<prayank> Kiminuo: Are you waiting for more reviews in #21422? Or there are some pending things based on earlier reviews
<gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/21422 | Add feerate histogram to getmempoolinfo by kiminuo · Pull Request #21422 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
<Kiminuo> prayank: I'm quite happy with the PR as is. Jeremy proposed https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21422#issuecomment-819566377 but I'm not entirely sure if it is necessary to change it that way.
<Kiminuo> So I'm waiting for reviews
<prayank> Okay
<Kiminuo> (I mean it can be always better but I prefer clear suggestions as they are much more actionable for me)
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<hebasto> Kiminuo: https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/ makes PS (both 5.1 and 7.1) work with UTF-8. Thanks!
<Kiminuo> Great!
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<bitcoin-git> [gui] hebasto merged pull request #448: Add helper to load font (master...2021-10-font-helper) https://github.com/bitcoin-core/gui/pull/448
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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] hebasto pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/927586990eb9...15587b4f1d21
<bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master d54ec27 João Barbosa: qt: Add helper to load font
<bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 15587b4 Hennadii Stepanov: Merge bitcoin-core/gui#448: Add helper to load font
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<luke-jr> laanwj: apparently only inside gdb
<luke-jr> laanwj: on POWER9, not on my x86_64 system
<luke-jr> laanwj: even `ls` is affected if I break at main! :\
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