ChanServ changed the topic of #bitcoin-core-dev to: Bitcoin Core development discussion and commit log | Feel free to watch, but please take commentary and usage questions to #bitcoin | Channel logs:, | Weekly Meeting Thursday @ 14:00 UTC | Meeting topics
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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] paplorinc opened pull request #30623: test: Fuzz the human-readable part of bech32 as well (master...l0rinc/bech32-testing)
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<bitcoin-git> [qa-assets] maflcko opened pull request #195: Revert "Revert utxo_snapshot additions temporarily" (main...main)
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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] maflcko opened pull request #30624: doc: Remove outdated nTx faking comment (master...2408-doc-ntx-no-fake)
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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fjahr opened pull request #30625: chainparams: Handle Testnet4 in GetNetworkForMagic (master...2024-08-testnet4-missing-check)
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