< bitcoin-git>
[bitcoin] hebasto opened pull request #17427: qt: Fix missing qRegisterMetaType for size_t (master...20191109-fix-signal-argument-type) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/17427
< JeremyCrookshank>
< fanquake>
I wonder if anyone testing the GUI during the 0.19.0 rcs opened on the debug window
< fanquake>
Something in there has been broken for ~4 months now
< fanquake>
I think we definitely put too much weight on the fact that so few bugs/issues are reported during release candidates. I feel like it means more that no-one is actually doing any testing rather than we are releasing non-buggy software.
< fanquake>
Granted, problems with the gui aren't exactly a high priority.
< sipa>
what is broken about it?
< fanquake>
The mempool stats have been showing as "N/A"
< fanquake>
Not exactly critical, but also the kind of thing you'd assume would be noticed if anyone had opened the window
< fanquake>
Looks like the signal that updates the gui was broken in #16348
< promag>
This function is useful to register typedefs so they can be used by QMetaProperty, or in QueuedConnections
< promag>
< fanquake>
heh, glad we managed to sneak that into 0.19 too
< fanquake>
or backport it in actually
< promag>
Not sure if possible but I think QT_FATAL_WARNINGS=1 should be always set
< promag>
I don't see any downside of that
< fanquake>
could probably add a note to the dev docs for anyone doing gui work
< promag>
fanquake: I mean hardcoded
< fanquake>
promag: In release binaries? I'm not sure that's a good idea unless you can guarantee it'll never crash. Otherwise Qt could just through some dumb warning about missing fonts etc, and crash bitcoin-qt
< promag>
Really? If we require a font then the font is also shipped/embeded right?
< fanquake>
I don't think so
< fanquake>
We ask the OS for certain font types when we need them
< fanquake>
i.e in GUIUtil::fixedPitchFont().
< promag>
< fanquake>
Looks like the worse case, if one of those calls was to fail, is Qt just picks/falls back to some other trash looking font
< luke-jr>
promag: end users should never be subject to warnings crashing..
< luke-jr>
pretty sure bitcoin-qt always has warnings for me, too
< luke-jr>
only reason I could see to embed a font is for tonal support, and Core doesn't support that (Knots does, but still doesn't bundle - it just turns off tonal support if no font is found)
< bitcoin-git>
[bitcoin] hebasto opened pull request #17428: p2p: Try to preserve outbound block-relay-only connections during restart (master...20191109-anchors) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/17428