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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke pushed 2 commits to master:
<bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 73ac195 MarcoFalke: Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#23249: util: ParseByteUnits - Parse a string with su...
<bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 21b58f4 Douglas Chimento: util: ParseByteUnits - Parse a string with suffix unit [k|K|m|M|g|G|t|T]
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<bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master fabe18d MarcoFalke: Use value_type in CDataStream where possible
<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke pushed 4 commits to master:
<bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master fa18038 MarcoFalke: refactor: Use ignore helper when unserializing an invalid pubkey
<bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master faa3ec2 MarcoFalke: span: Add std::byte helpers
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<vasild> #21943 has 3 ACKs and 4 concept ACKs (from different people). Is among the "Blockers" in "High-priority for review"
<gribble> | Dedup and RAII-fy the creation of a copy of CConnman::vNodes by vasild · Pull Request #21943 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
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<laanwj> vasild: will take a look, thanks
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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] hebasto opened pull request #23583: build, qt, macOS: Don't hard-code x86_64 as the arch when using qmake (master...211124-arm64)
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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] dougEfresh opened pull request #23584: test: Adding functional test for -maxuploadtarget with byte unit 'M' (master...maxuploadtarget-functional-byteunit)
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<bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 75e8bf5 Vasil Dimov: net: dedup and RAII-fy the creation of a copy of CConnman::vNodes
<bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 664ac22 Vasil Dimov: net: keep reference to each node during socket wait
<bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master c7eb19e Vasil Dimov: style: remove unnecessary braces
<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] laanwj pushed 5 commits to master:
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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] laanwj closed pull request #21943: Dedup and RAII-fy the creation of a copy of CConnman::vNodes (master...raiify_copying_vnodes)
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<Kaizen_Kintsugi> I dont know if this is the right place to ask, but I applied to chaincode and they sent me a test, it is to use the testing framework to mine a block and then sync it to another node. I have a test working properly, but I don't know if I acctually did it properly.
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<Kaizen_Kintsugi> wot am i still here?
<sipa> Kaizen_Kintsugi: you are still here, but i think it's offtopic here and somewhat inappropriate to ask for help
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