ChanServ changed the topic of #bitcoin-core-dev to: Bitcoin Core development discussion and commit log | Feel free to watch, but please take commentary and usage questions to #bitcoin | Channel logs:, | Weekly Meeting Thursday @ 14:00 UTC | Meeting topics
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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake pushed 2 commits to master:
<bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master fa9cb10 MarcoFalke: refactor: Add explicit cast to expected_last_page to silence fuzz ISan
<bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master c6de072 merge-script: Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#30248: refactor: Add explicit cast to expected_last_...
<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake merged pull request #30248: refactor: Add explicit cast to expected_last_page to silence fuzz ISan (master...2406-bdb-fuzz-isan)
<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake pushed 2 commits to master:
<bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master fa7bc9b MarcoFalke: fuzz: Fix wallet_bdb_parser 32-bit unhandled fseek error
<bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master aa2ce2d merge-script: Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#30307: fuzz: Fix wallet_bdb_parser 32-bit unhandled ...
<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake merged pull request #30307: fuzz: Fix wallet_bdb_parser 32-bit unhandled fseek error (master...2406-fuzz-wallet-bdb-32)
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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake opened pull request #30312: contrib: add R(UN)PATH check to ELF symbol-check (master...add_runpath_check)
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<bitcoin-git> [qa-assets] dergoegge pushed 2 commits to main:
<bitcoin-git> qa-assets/main af7edb8 marcofleon: add initial vecdeque inputs
<bitcoin-git> qa-assets/main d101690 Niklas Gögge: Merge pull request #190 from marcofleon/2024/06/add-vecdeque-inputs
<bitcoin-git> [qa-assets] dergoegge merged pull request #190: Initial vecdeque inputs (main...2024/06/add-vecdeque-inputs)
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<achow101> #startmeeting
<core-meetingbot> Meeting started Thu Jun 20 14:00:16 2024 UTC. The chair is achow101. Information about MeetBot at
<core-meetingbot> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick
<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] guilhermelinosp opened pull request #30313: Update (master...master)
<kevkevin> hi
<dergoegge> hi
<achow101> #bitcoin-core-dev Meeting: achow101 _aj_ amiti ariard aureleoules b10c BlueMatt brunoerg cfields darosior dergoegge dongcarl fanquake fjahr furszy gleb glozow hebasto instagibbs jamesob jarolrod jonatack josibake kallewoof kanzure kouloumos kvaciral laanwj LarryRuane lightlike luke-jr MacroFake Murch phantomcircuit pinheadmz promag provoostenator ryanofsky sdaftuar S3RK stickies-v sipa sr_gi theStack TheCharlatan vasild
<Murch[m]> Hi
<achow101> There are no pre-proposed meeting topics this week. Any last minute ones to add?
<furszy> hi
<vasild> hi
<sipa> hi
<achow101> #topic package relay updates (glozow)
<core-meetingbot> topic: package relay updates (glozow)
<dergoegge> I'm doing gloria's update today
<b10c> hi
<dergoegge> "I'm on holiday June 20-30. #28984 was merged. We have a couple followups (#30272 and #30295). The new priority PR is #30111."
<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] achow101 closed pull request #30313: Update (master...master)
<hebasto> Hi
<gribble> | Cluster size 2 package rbf by instagibbs · Pull Request #28984 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
<gribble> | doc: use TRUC instead of v3 and add release note by glozow · Pull Request #30272 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
<gribble> | #28984 package rbf followups by instagibbs · Pull Request #30295 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
<gribble> | locks: introduce mutex for tx download, flush rejection filters on UpdatedBlockTip by glozow · Pull Request #30111 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
<fjahr> hi
<dergoegge> that's all
<instagibbs> \o/
<maxedw> hi
<achow101> #topic cluster mempool updates (sdaftuar)
<core-meetingbot> topic: cluster mempool updates (sdaftuar)
<vasild> wrt #30111 I wonder if there are better than manual ways to review such threading changes
<gribble> | locks: introduce mutex for tx download, flush rejection filters on UpdatedBlockTip by glozow · Pull Request #30111 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
<abubakarsadiq> hi
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<jonatack> hi
<achow101> vasild: the thread safety annotations should help as clang will error
<tdb3_> hi
<vasild> no, they will not help with mutex order
<dergoegge> we have runtime lock order checks iirc
<dergoegge> TSan would also complain (i think)
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<vasild> there is some partial order support in those annotations but we don't use that at all, it is like Mutex m WILL_LOCK_AFTER(another_mutex);
<achow101> there's debug_lockorder for runtime checks
<josie_> hi
<sipa> I don't see sdaftuar. Since last meeting I've split up #30126 (adding #30286 and #30285), and opened a tracking issue #30283.
<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] Sjors opened pull request #30314: ci: clarify Cirrus self-hosted workers setup (master...2024/06/cirrus-docs)
<gribble> | upnp: fix build with miniupnpc 2.2.8 by theuni · Pull Request #30283 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
<gribble> | cluster mempool: merging & postprocessing of linearizations by sipa · Pull Request #30285 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
<gribble> | cluster mempool: optimized candidate search by sipa · Pull Request #30286 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
<gribble> | cluster mempool: cluster linearization algorithm by sipa · Pull Request #30126 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
<sipa> I'm also working on another writeup with a gentler introduction to the linearization algorithms why and how
<vasild> yes, if the lock misorder happens during execution of testing, then yes, it will crash in a good way
<achow101> sipa: which one of those should we review first?
<instagibbs> 30126
<sipa> achow101: see the tracking issue! 30126
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<instagibbs> sipa could you also do a tiny writeup on teh serialization/deser strategy in the fuzz test?
<instagibbs> mental model of what is happening
<sipa> instagibbs: on the serializer format itself, or on the "why use serialization.h instead of FuzzedDataProvider"?
<instagibbs> former mostly (I think I handled the latter)
<sipa> instagibbs: sure; i'll try to write a big comment explaining it in the code
<instagibbs> 👍
<achow101> #topic legacy wallet removal updates (achow101)
<core-meetingbot> topic: legacy wallet removal updates (achow101)
<achow101> #26596 has been getting some review
<gribble> | wallet: Migrate legacy wallets to descriptor wallets without requiring BDB by achow101 · Pull Request #26596 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
<achow101> gui#824 and #30265 are also open and easier to review
<gribble> | Use of read_some in bitcoinrpc.cpp · Issue #824 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
<gribble> | wallet: Fix listwalletdir listing of migrated default wallets and generated backup files by achow101 · Pull Request #30265 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
<achow101> #topic Ad-hoc high priority for review
<core-meetingbot> topic: Ad-hoc high priority for review
<achow101> Anything to add or remove from
<sipa> i'd like to get some attention to #29625 (it's already on the list)
<gribble> | Several randomness improvements by sipa · Pull Request #29625 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
<achow101> I started reviewing that and then got lost
<sipa> can I do something to help the lostness?
<achow101> looks like there's more smaller commits now, so I think that will help
<sipa> yeah, several things have been split up
<achow101> Any other topics to discuss?
<maxedw> Just a quick one to say that there is an open issue to discuss moving some more CI jobs from Cirrus to Github Actions. If anyone has thoughts on that please come to
<achow101> #endmeeting
<core-meetingbot> topic: Bitcoin Core development discussion and commit log | Feel free to watch, but please take commentary and usage questions to #bitcoin | Channel logs:, | Weekly Meeting Thursday @ 14:00 UTC | Meeting topics
<core-meetingbot> Meeting ended Thu Jun 20 14:20:23 2024 UTC.
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<vasild> dergoegge: our lock order checks don't catch this problem: lock m1 m2, unlock all, lock m2 m3, unlock all, lock m3 m1 <-- this is a bug
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<vasild> lets say that now you are introducing mutex m3. the code before is lock m1 m2 and you add m3 plus lock m2 m3 and lock m3 m1. You have to manually find that lock m1 m2 all over the code base :/
<vasild> I mean, since lock m2 m3 and lock m3 m1 implies lock order m2 before m1 then the developer has to check all the code base that nowhere m1 is locked before m2.
* vasild bbl
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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] Sjors opened pull request #30315: Stratum v2 Transport (master...2024/06/sv2_transport)
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<bitcoin-git> [gui] theStack opened pull request #825: Show maximum mempool size in information window (master...gui_show_maxmempoolsize)
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<vasild> hebasto: fanquake: I confirm this: on master when configured with --enable-fuzz but without --with-sanitizers, then the fuzz binary just hangs without printing anything: `FUZZ=addrman src/test/fuzz/fuzz` or `FUZZ=addrman src/test/fuzz/fuzz .../bitcoin-core/qa-assets/fuzz_seed_corpus/addrman`. Adding --with-sanitizers=fuzzer creates a working one.
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<sipa> vasild: huh, that's surprising; without --with-sanitizer=fuzzer there shouldn't be a main() function even (as it's provided by the sanitizer)
<dergoegge> i'm pretty sure it's waiting for input from stdin
<dergoegge> if you pass it a file or folder it won't hang
<dergoegge> s/won't/shouldn't/
<sipa> oh, so it's just doing the same as if you didn't pass --enable-fuzz in that case? (using our own dummy-fuzz main routine)
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<dergoegge> i thought so, can double check tomorrow
<vasild> well, if I press ctrl+D then it quits
<vasild> I said that it hangs with `FUZZ=addrman src/test/fuzz/fuzz .../bitcoin-core/qa-assets/fuzz_seed_corpus/addrman`, but it actually does something because it loads the CPU
<vasild> and eventually it prints "addrman: succeeded against 2064 files in 85s."
<vasild> nothing else, just this one line and quits
<dergoegge> That's the expected behaviour without the fuzzer sanitizer
<vasild> I am confused. Is this a fully functional fuzz binary (compiled with --enable-fuzz but without --with-sanitizers)?
<sipa> vasild: so if you build completely normally (no --enable-fuzz, and no --with-sanitizers=fuzzer), you still get a src/test/fuzz/fuzz binary
<sipa> vasild: that binary cannot do any actual fuzzing, but it can read a fuzz seed corpus, and feed it through the fuzzing harness
<vasild> ok
<sipa> and i suspect that if you build with --enable-fuzz but without --with-sanitizers=fuzzer, you get the same thing
<vasild> I will further investigate tomorrow, so far "only --enable-fuzz-binary" and "only --enable-fuzz" (without --with-sanitizers) seem to create the same binary
<sipa> it's pretty cool i think that we have this; it means we get to run our fuzz corpus tests on platforms/architectures that aren't actually supported by libfuzzer (including gcc, mingw32, msvc, ...)
<vasild> right
<sipa> i think when we introduced this there was some talk of calling the binary phuzz (phony fuzz) rather than fuzz to not confuse the two
<sipa> maybe we should still do that
<vasild> yes!
<vasild> so, all 3 produce the same phuzz binary: 1. without any option, 2. --enable-fuzz 3. --enable-fuzz-binary --> its all the same result
<sipa> it may be that these options only matter for other fuzzing systems
<vasild> and --with-sanitizers=fuzzer creates a true fuzz binary. Why do we disable building other executables when --enable-fuzz is used?
<vasild> thanks!
* vasild afk...
<sipa> i don't have experience with these, but it is/was possible to use afl or honggfuzz too
<sipa> vasild: when we're building for real fuzzing (which perhaps is what --enable-fuzz is trying to do, to the extent possible), we cannot build any other binaries (because the main() function is provided by the fuzzing framework)
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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] achow101 pushed 7 commits to master:
<bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 9f66ac7 Pieter Wuille: net_processing: do not treat non-connecting headers as response
<bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 944c542 Pieter Wuille: net_processing: drop Misbehavior for unconnecting headers
<bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 5120ab1 Pieter Wuille: net_processing: drop 8 headers threshold for incoming BIP130
<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] achow101 merged pull request #29575: net_processing: make any misbehavior trigger immediate discouragement (master...202403_nomisbehave)
<sipa> \o/ no more DoS scores!
<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] achow101 pushed 5 commits to master:
<bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master c3a8843 Lőrinc: Use SCRIPT_VERIFY_NONE instead of hard-coded 0 in transaction_tests
<bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 1984187 Lőrinc: Validate transaction without inputs
<bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 327a31d Lőrinc: Validate oversized transaction
<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] achow101 merged pull request #29862: test: Validate oversized transactions or without inputs (master...paplorinc/consensus_test_coverage)
<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] achow101 pushed 2 commits to master:
<bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 1245d13 Vasil Dimov: netbase: extend CreateSock() to support creating arbitrary sockets
<bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master a961ad1 Ava Chow: Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#30202: netbase: extend CreateSock() to support creat...
<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] achow101 merged pull request #30202: netbase: extend CreateSock() to support creating arbitrary sockets (master...extend_CreateSock)
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<fanquake> sipa 🚀
<bitcoin-git> [qa-assets] murchandamus opened pull request #191: Add new fuzz inputs after package_rbf changed (main...2024-06-update-package_rbf)
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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] theuni opened pull request #30316: refactor: remove extraneous lock annotations from function definitions (master...clang-annotations-definitions)
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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] paplorinc opened pull request #30317: WIP Optimize SipHash (master...paplorinc/siphash)
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