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<cfields> @sipa how attatched are you to the logging in random.cpp ?
<cfields> for context: I'm working on an instantiated logger for the kernel, which so far has actually proven to be not so painful.
<cfields> but random is pretty low-level and annoying.
<cfields> specifically the "Feeding %i bytes of environment data into RNG" messages that stem from ProcRand
<cfields> (I'm looking at current master, but I don't believe your refactor changes much wrt logging)
<cfields> @sipa: the other problematic one is RandFailure(), which is reachable (in the old code) only by GetStrongRandBytes. That in turn is only called in 3 places (key.cpp and wallet). Would you be ok with returning [[nodiscard]] false to the callers there instead?
<cfields> (imo that's nicer than an abort() in random code), but arguably it's enabling a footgun
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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] Sjors opened pull request #30332: Stratum v2 connectivity (master...2024/06/sv2_connection)
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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] hebasto opened pull request #30333: Update libsecp256k1 subtree to current master (master...240625-secp-update)
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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] Sjors opened pull request #30335: Mining interface followups (master...2024/06/mining-interface-followups)
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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] theuni opened pull request #30338: RFC: Instanced logs (master...instance-log3)
<bitcoin-git> [] achow101 opened pull request #1032: release: Update 27.1 magnet url (master...27.1-fixed-torrent)
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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] brunoerg opened pull request #30339: test: add coverage for `node` field of `getaddednodeinfo` RPC (master...2024-06-test-getaddednodeinfo-peer-)
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<TheCharlatan> cfields see also #29480
<gribble> | Drop log category in `SeedStartup` by hebasto · Pull Request #29480 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
<cfields> heh, yeah, this is exactly the kind of thing that instantiation is surfacing
<cfields> thanks :)
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