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[bitcoin] ryanofsky closed pull request #30975: ci: build multiprocess on most jobs (master...2024/09/multiprocess-guix)
[bitcoin] ryanofsky reopened pull request #30975: ci: build multiprocess on most jobs (master...2024/09/multiprocess-guix)
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Hey! Question is there a way to determine if a mempool entry is TRUC via the RPC?
OR is the TXN being in the mempool V3 enough.
Wait: I just answered that.... sorry, yeah so being V3 you then can look at the array of descendants / ancestors to see if the TXN is TRUC and what set of rules for size apply.
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[bitcoin] fanquake merged pull request #31784: test: added additional coverage to waitforblock and waitforblockheight rpc's (master...moreTimeoutTests)
Do we support different debug levels (or categories) being sent to console and debug.log file?
i'm getting a bit skeptical about #31177, sure, it'd be nice to report 1.0 exactly when we're sure we're entirely up to date, but solutions seem to muddle the estimate that makes it less useful in other ways
willcl-ark: no, there's no such setting
corebot seems dead? :/
fjahr: Error: "seems" is not a valid command.
<corebot> | rpc, logging: return "verificationprogress" of 1 when up to date by polespinasa · Pull Request #31177 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
Oh, he's back :)
laanwj: ok thanks for confirming what I suspected
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i can see how it can be useful, but having multiple sets of logging category/level filter settings would complicate the logging system even more
Yeah, and I only want it for some benchmarking, but I don't think it would be a particularly generally-useful feature...
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laanwj: hmm, yes, my initial preference was not do anything, because "fully synced" isn't very well defined of you take the possibility of a block whose header you have not seen into account, but people really wanted to see a 1.0 number
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sipa: sure, and i i can understand that, i do agree in theory it's an improvement to user friendliness, but doing it in a way that doesn't break other cases unexpectedly or makes questionable assumptions seems hard
also, that code has no business being in validation.cpp
(but that's orthogonal to the PR)
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can i have some review on #30535? it adds the ability to evaluate FeeFrac at a given size, making it possible to use as replacement for CFeeRate, and comes with nice tests
[bitcoin] Sjors opened pull request #31802: Add bitcoin-{node,gui} to release binaries for IPC (master...2025/02/ipc-yea)
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@sipa I see that all the getter and setter methods of txgraph on a ref assume checking whether the ref belongs to that txgraph. Could this methods just be part of ref? Since ref can access its txgraph internals, this would prevent those `Assumes` and the issues they are meant to prevent.
But I think you choose the current approach because it's better than my suggestion for some reasons?
abubakarsadiq: it's a good question
one reason is that it makes locking requirements clearer; we can't write those when operating on Refs directly (because the txgraph isn't in scope necessarily)
I see, I have not reviewed the commit you introduced locks yet
[bitcoin] theuni opened pull request #31807: kernel: Avoid duplicating symbols in the kernel and downstream users (master...fix-dupe-kernel-symbols)
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abubakarsadiq: to be clear, what i mean is that CTxMemPool would have a `TxGraph m_txgraph GUARDED_BY(cs);` variable, so that it can be checked that any interactions with m_txgraph require the mempool lock
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but a direct TxGraph::Ref::RemoveTransaction() would invisbly access m_txgraph, by holding its own reference to it
this problem does exist with TxGraph::Ref::~Ref, which one would need the mempool lock for too, but we can't avoid that
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maybe in a follow-up TxGraph can be given its own internal locks
that will be better I think, the abstraction will be complete!
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i don't know if it's really possible
with CTxMempoolEntry deriving from TxGraph::Ref, they are kind of intertwined from an access level
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hmm yeah we will want the additions to be atomic (for both `TxGraph` and mempool entry)
I think I will have to to look at #28676 on how the current `TxGraph` interface is used by the mempool
anyway I dont think it's super important for `TxGraph` to handle it's threadsafety internally
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Re the discussion about checking all consensus rules in ConnectBlock, i'm not sure if we should really be concerned about somehow an invalid block being let in by an unupgraded version being connected by an upgraded one, if the unupgraded version could just have connected it in the first place and the upgraded version wouldn't catch that either?
I guess there is a slight advantage to being able to catch it with `verifychain` or a `-reindex-chainstate` but..
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[qa-assets] murchandamus opened pull request #218: Add Murch’s inputs February 2025 merged without sanitizers (main...2025-02-murch-inputs-no-san)
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