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I've been looking at the IBD stalling logic and I'm wondering if it's an issue if a peer can stall IBD longer than the stalling timeouts?
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[bitcoin] jonatack opened pull request #31960: seeds: update makeseeds regex and DNS fixed seeds (master...2025-02-update-dns-seeds)
[bitcoin] instagibbs closed pull request #31628: test: add coverage for immediate orphanage eviction case (master...2025-01-immediate-orphan-evict)
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eugenesiegel: which timeouts: the BLOCK_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT_BASE / BLOCK_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT_PER_PEER - based global one? Or the shorter ones that apply when we get into a stalling situation?
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lightlike: so the shorter timeouts that start at 2 seconds and then double to 64 seconds
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To rephrase, my question is whether it's an issue if a malicious peer can bypass the short stalling timeouts during IBD? They would still be subject to the global block download timeouts
yes, sounds like something we should fix!
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ok cool, I can make an issue and share my test case
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