< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] achow101 closed pull request #21401: Refactor versionbits deployments to avoid potential uninitialized variables (master...encap-vbits-params) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21401
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/b295395664bd...0a909073dc6c
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 6cebac5 Sebastian Falbesoner: test: MiniWallet: introduce enum type for output mode
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 0a90907 MarcoFalke: Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#22048: test: MiniWallet: introduce enum type for out...
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke merged pull request #22048: test: MiniWallet: introduce enum type for output mode (master...202105-test-improve_miniwallet) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/22048
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] Bushstar opened pull request #22052: net: remove non-blocking bool from interface (master...bitcoin-nonblocking-true) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/22052
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke pushed 3 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/0a909073dc6c...aeecb1c2eb57
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master c0385f1 amadeuszpawlik: Remove -feefilter option
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master a7a43e8 amadeuszpawlik: Factor feefilter logic out
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master aeecb1c MarcoFalke: Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#21992: p2p: Remove -feefilter option
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke merged pull request #21992: p2p: Remove -feefilter option (master...refactor_21545) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21992
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke pushed 3 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/aeecb1c2eb57...db1aca01d5de
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 5cb7ac2 Jon Atack: rpc: fix docs for bumpfee psbt update
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 4f504f8 Jon Atack: rpc: fix code comment for bumpfee/psbtbumpfee output
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master db1aca0 MarcoFalke: Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#22021: rpc: bumpfee/psbtbumpfee fixes and updates
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke merged pull request #22021: rpc: bumpfee/psbtbumpfee fixes and updates (master...bumpfee-psbt-doc-fixes) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/22021
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke opened pull request #22053: refactor: Release cs_main before MaybeSendFeefilter (master...2105-lessCsMain) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/22053
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke pushed 3 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/db1aca01d5de...40f7a2891f62
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 6b1926c Jon Atack: test: addpeeraddress functional test coverage
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master b36e0cd Jon Atack: rpc: simplify addpeeraddress and improve code constness
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 40f7a28 MarcoFalke: Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#22043: rpc, test: addpeeraddress test coverage, code...
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke merged pull request #22043: rpc, test: addpeeraddress test coverage, code simplify/constness (master...addpeeraddress-improvements) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/22043
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/40f7a2891f62...7041d256e3a9
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master e9f948c Hennadii Stepanov: build: Convert warnings into errors when testing for -fstack-clash-protect...
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 7041d25 fanquake: Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#21788: build: Silence [-Wunused-command-line-argumen...
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake merged pull request #21788: build: Silence [-Wunused-command-line-argument] warnings (master...210427-clash) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21788
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] hebasto opened pull request #22054: depends: Bump Qt version to 5.12.11 (master...210525-bump) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/22054
< jonatack> can someone remind me how to run a fuzz test with the seed to reproduce a ci crash locally?
< aj> jonatack: FUZZ=versionbits src/test/fuzz/fuzz < $CORPUS/versionbits/$CASE
< jonatack> aj: thanks
< jonatack> thanks again, i hadn't realized that the ci cases (the /$CASE part) were in qa-assets and i hadn't git pulled qa-assets to update it, this did it: FUZZ=netaddr_deserialize seed=3814760663 src/test/fuzz/fuzz ../qa-assets/fuzz_seed_corpus/netaddr_deserialize/1bc91feec9fc00b107d97dc225a9f2cdaa078eb6 ... cheers aj
< jonatack> er, this: FUZZ=netaddr_deserialize src/test/fuzz/fuzz ../qa-assets/fuzz_seed_corpus/netaddr_deserialize/1bc91feec9fc00b107d97dc225a9f2cdaa078eb6
< jonatack> MarcoFalke: fwiw, this is a case where the ci fuzzer found an issue that i did not see locally, even after an hour of fuzzing on a laptop
< jonatack> (without updating qa-assets)
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] jonatack opened pull request #22056: doc: describe in fuzzing.md how to reproduce a CI crash (master...fuzzing-doc-describe-how-to-reproduce-ci-crash) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/22056
< MarcoFalke> jonatack: Link, please
< MarcoFalke> Make sure to compile with all sanitizers, if they are needed
< jonatack> yes compiled with everything needed and reproduced instantly once i updated qa-assets
< jonatack> (duh i guess, but good to refresh memory)
< MarcoFalke> ok that one is a logic bug and doens't need sanitizers
< MarcoFalke> What command did you use to do "an hour of fuzzing on a laptop"
< MarcoFalke> ?
< MarcoFalke> With sanitizers enabled fuzzing is slower by a factor of ~10, so it could be that you only got 6 minutes of "real" fuzzing
< jonatack> --with-sanitizers=fuzzer,address,undefined,integer and then the dumb version without the corpora: FUZZ=netaddr_deserialize src/test/fuzz/fuzz
< jonatack> #414235 REDUCE cov: 808 ft: 1477 corp: 59/1205b lim: 3777 exec/s: 10621 rss: 583Mb L: 22/129 MS: 3 CopyPart-CrossOver-EraseBytes-
< gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/414235 | HTTP Error 404: Not Found
< jonatack> stopped the fuzzing at that point
< MarcoFalke> Interesting. Let me try the same without sanitizers
< wumpus> anyone running testnet nodes: can you please pastebin and send me the output of "bitcoin-cli getnodeaddresses 0 | grep -E '[a-z0-9]{56}\.onion'" , i'd like to make a PR that replaces the seed nodes for testnet, just going to pick a few
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] meshcollider pushed 12 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/7041d256e3a9...6b254814c076
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 1bf4a62 Andrew Chow: scripted-diff: rename some variables
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master af5867c Andrew Chow: Move some calculations to common code in SelectCoinsMinConf
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master d97d25d Andrew Chow: Make cost_of_change part of CoinSelectionParams
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] meshcollider merged pull request #17331: Use effective values throughout coin selection (master...effective-value) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/17331
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] theStack opened pull request #22057: test: use MiniWallet (P2PK mode) for feature_dersig.py (master...202105-test-use_miniwallet_for_dersig) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/22057
< jonatack> (tested as connecting and staying connected at the time)
< wumpus> jonatack: thanks! from last week is great, i'll try them again and if they're still up they're at least reasonably stable :)
< jonatack> wumpus: good idea! yes, they were the pick of the moment out of ~70 testnet peers, then after that there were ~250 :p
< promag> I'm getting "error: option 'cf-protection=return' cannot be specified on this target" when building boost depends on macos arm64 - anyone can reproduce?
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] zefir-k closed pull request #22046: consensus: remove redundant checks in merkle root computation (master...master) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/22046
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] hebasto opened pull request #22058: [WIP] ci: Do not cache depends/sources directory (master...210525-cache) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/22058
< wumpus> jonatack: thanks!
< wumpus> 12 out of 13 of the ones in the commit itself are still connectable
< MarcoFalke> jonatack: I couldn't run into a crash with 1kk iterations in a single thread
< MarcoFalke> With "-use_value_profile=1 -workers=9 -jobs=9" and a folder to share the corpus, it took 400k iterations
< MarcoFalke> Same as above without use_value_profile, it took 1.1kk iterations for the first crash
< MarcoFalke> Same as above (use_value_profile=1) witout a shared corpus, it took 1.5kk iterations for the first crash
< MarcoFalke> Result for this experiment (N=1): Use a folder to share the corpus, Use more CPU, -use_value_profile=1
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] laanwj opened pull request #22060: contrib: add torv3 seed nodes for testnet, drop v2 ones (master...torv3-testnet-hardcoded-seeds) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/22060
< wumpus> macosx CI failing: "Warning: Calling `cellar` in a bottle block is deprecated! Use `brew style --fix` on the formula to update the style or use `sha256` with a `cellar:` argument instead."
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] hebasto closed pull request #22058: [WIP] ci: Do not cache depends/sources directory (master...210525-cache) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/22058
< MarcoFalke> Anyone else getting the unicorn when trying to open a pull request?
< wumpus> didn't have any problems opening mine
< wumpus> sure
< wumpus> #22061
< gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/22061 | ci: Bump multiprocess memory by laanwj · Pull Request #22061 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] laanwj opened pull request #22061: ci: Bump multiprocess memory (master...2105-ciBumpOOM) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/22061
< MarcoFalke> thanks
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/6b254814c076...860093401840
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 3e05a57 Sebastian Falbesoner: test: use MiniWallet (P2PK mode) for feature_dersig.py
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 8600934 MarcoFalke: Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#22057: test: use MiniWallet (P2PK mode) for feature_...
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke merged pull request #22057: test: use MiniWallet (P2PK mode) for feature_dersig.py (master...202105-test-use_miniwallet_for_dersig) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/22057
< jonatack> MarcoFalke: thanks for the tips! taking note
< jonatack> wumpus: ack, 12 out of 13 isn't too bad
< Talkless> In master: "Initializing test directory /tmp/test_runner_₿_🏃_20210525_203829/cache"
< Talkless> is that "_₿_🏃_" ok?
< Talkless> That's when running test/functional/test_runner.py --extended
< hebasto> Talkless: it is a test for utf-8 support
< Talkless> and it fails to start at all https://paste.mozilla.org/wDAkZjZN
< Talkless> example_test also fails without starting:
< Talkless> I'm pretty sure I did some functional runs some time ago on that (virtual) machine
< Talkless> Ohh it's ASAN hitting over the head: https://paste.mozilla.org/9NBMXXze
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] hebasto opened pull request #22063: build: Use Qt archive of the same version as the compiled binaries (master...210525-version) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/22063
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] practicalswift opened pull request #22065: Mark `CheckTxInputs` `[[nodiscard]]`. Avoid UUM in fuzzing harness `coins_view`. (master...nodiscard-CheckTxInputs) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/22065
< bitcoin-git> [gui] hebasto merged pull request #297: Avoid unnecessary translations (master...210425-btc) https://github.com/bitcoin-core/gui/pull/297
< bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] hebasto pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/860093401840...3ad1b8899bfb
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 19d51a2 Hennadii Stepanov: qt: Avoid unnecessary translations
< bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 3ad1b88 Hennadii Stepanov: Merge bitcoin-core/gui#297: Avoid unnecessary translations