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Maybe we can prune the v29 milestone a bit? The first two issues now have comments along the lines of "this is not release blocking" (though one is from me).
[bitcoin] vasild opened pull request #32015: net: replace manual reference counting of CNode with shared_ptr (master...cnode_shared_ptr)
[bitcoin] hebasto opened pull request #32019: cmake: Check for `makensis` tool before using it (master...250307-makensis)
cfields: re #31994, from our discussion at CoreDev, the conclusion was that ccache never worked for my worktrees setup? but I guess it did work if you had multiple build dirs in the same worktree?
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achow101: #20353 was enough to get ccache working for my worktrees setup fwiw? doesn't work if your compile-time settings are significantly different of course