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hebasto turns out all my msvc build issues came down to some path names being *too long*
when I moved vcpkg to C:\vcpkg everything else worked
* pinheadmz
this took me a week to figure out
btw, did you try MSVC's vcpkg installation?
I mean, the built-in one
yeah im using a GCP windows server image, installed vs 2022 and basically nothing else.
actually i did switch to git installing vcpkg, so i could move to a short path!
so probably our docs might be amended, as now they mention "using CMake and vcpkg package manager provided with the Visual Studio installation"
this too long filename thing is quite ridiculous. windows can even create files with names so long it cant *delete* them
laanwj: thank you so much!
hebasto yeah ill open a PR for that
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also it outputs the builds in build/bin/Debug and the functional tests dont expect them there hmm
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see functional test setup in the native win CI job
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[bitcoin] hebasto opened pull request #32162: depends: Switch from multilib to platform-specific toolchains (master...250329-cross) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/32162
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laanwj: awesome
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