achow101 changed the topic of #bitcoin-core-dev to: Bitcoin Core development discussion and commit log | Feel free to watch, but please take commentary and usage questions to #bitcoin | Channel logs:, | Weekly Meeting Thursday @ 16:00 UTC | Meeting topics
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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] xiaobei0715 opened pull request #32030: chore: remove incorrect punctuation marks (master...xiaobei-fix)
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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake closed pull request #32030: chore: remove incorrect punctuation marks (master...xiaobei-fix)
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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] volkanural opened pull request #32031: Rename to (master...patch-1)
<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake closed pull request #32031: Rename to (master...patch-1)
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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] Lubov66 opened pull request #32032: docs: added a badge to the workflow (master...patch-1)
<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] DrahtBot closed pull request #32032: docs: added a badge to the workflow (master...patch-1)
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<bitcoin-git> [gui-qml] hebasto pushed 2 commits to main:
<bitcoin-git> gui-qml/main 6ba6907 johnny9: qml: Fix handling of load wallet in controller
<bitcoin-git> gui-qml/main a38cf5b Hennadii Stepanov: Merge bitcoin-core/gui-qml#447: Fix handling of load wallet in controller
<bitcoin-git> [gui-qml] hebasto merged pull request #447: Fix handling of load wallet in controller (
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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fjahr opened pull request #32033: test: Check datadir cleanup after assumeutxo was successful (master...2025-03-au-cleanup-test2)
<hebasto> Sjors[m] laanwj Do either of you want to become a "coordinator" for Dutch (nl) on the Transifex?
<Sjors[m]> Ideally not...
<hebasto> I see
<Sjors[m]> I would rather just drop or freeze the translation entirely since I suspect there's zero Dutch Bitcoin Core users who can't read English.
<laanwj> if no one steps up, sure, but to be honest i don't ever use the translation i prefer software in English
<Sjors[m]> I also turn it back to English
<glozow> If there is a lot of vandalism (sad), seems like freezing is a good policy when there is no coordinator...
<sipa> are there active translators for dutch?
<glozow> sipa: hey you speak dutch right?
<laanwj> there are plenty of Dutch people that do prefer software to be in Dutch though, so i don't think the translation is entirely pointless
<sipa> glozow: yes
<hebasto> re "are there active translators for dutch?" -- it is hard to say. The latest active guy was a bad one. Transifex is not like gh at all
<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] glozow pushed 13 commits to master:
<bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 9b0d2e5 laanwj: makeseeds: fix incorrect regex
<bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 6ae7a3b Jon Atack: makeseeds: update user agent regex
<bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 94e21aa Jon Atack: makeseeds: update MIN_BLOCKS, add reminder to README
<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] glozow merged pull request #31960: seeds: add signet/testnet4, update makeseeds regex, minblocks, fixed seeds (master...2025-02-update-dns-seeds)
<laanwj> in any case feel free to add me, i'm willing to proofread translations against vandalism, i'd rather not get actively involved in translating messages though
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<sipa> same, happy to look things over once in a while, but i don't care enough about having a dutch translation to contribute
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<darosior> as for previous releases i'm happy to go over the diff to the French translation to make sure there is nothing malicious
<hebasto> darosior: thanks! fwiw, the French translation team seems one of the top on Transifex
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<darosior> Nice, i can't say they don't need it :)
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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin-maintainer-tools] volkanural opened pull request #177: Rename to (main...patch-1)
<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin-maintainer-tools] hebasto closed pull request #177: Rename to (main...patch-1)
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<zzz123> he can't keep getting away with this
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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] VolodymyrBg opened pull request #32035: qt: Add addressList field to SendCoinsRecipient for multiple addresses (master...BG)
<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] hebasto closed pull request #32035: qt: Add addressList field to SendCoinsRecipient for multiple addresses (master...BG)
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<bitcoin-git> [gui] VolodymyrBg opened pull request #857: qt: Add addressList field to SendCoinsRecipient for multiple addresses (master...BG)
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<bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] VolodymyrBg opened pull request #32036: docs: fix grammatical typos in documentation files (master...Amountoftypos)
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<hebasto> sipa: re "#31004 doesn't seem to contain any changes for Dutch" (asked in secp256k1) - correct. Three translations, including Dutch, seem damaged. See and the PR description for details
<corebot> | External signer: in case of error shows only "External signer failure" · Issue #31004 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
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