in any case feel free to add me, i'm willing to proofread translations against vandalism, i'd rather not get actively involved in translating messages though
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same, happy to look things over once in a while, but i don't care enough about having a dutch translation to contribute
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as for previous releases i'm happy to go over the diff to the French translation to make sure there is nothing malicious
darosior: thanks! fwiw, the French translation team seems one of the top on Transifex
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Nice, i can't say they don't need it :)
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[bitcoin] VolodymyrBg opened pull request #32035: qt: Add addressList field to SendCoinsRecipient for multiple addresses (master...BG) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/32035
[bitcoin] hebasto closed pull request #32035: qt: Add addressList field to SendCoinsRecipient for multiple addresses (master...BG) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/32035
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[gui] VolodymyrBg opened pull request #857: qt: Add addressList field to SendCoinsRecipient for multiple addresses (master...BG) https://github.com/bitcoin-core/gui/pull/857
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[bitcoin] VolodymyrBg opened pull request #32036: docs: fix grammatical typos in documentation files (master...Amountoftypos) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/32036
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